Chapter 3

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Special Victims Unit, New York City Police Department, New York City

Agent Hotchner stood in the coffee nook of the Special Victims Unit going over what Detective Hale said about her dad. Something wasn't sitting right with him, and his gut was telling him to look into it. He pulled out his phone and called Garcia, the line rang twice before she answered. "All knowing at your ready," Garcia said answering the call. "Garcia, I need you to find someone for me," Agent Hotchner replied. 

"Who are we locating?" Garcia asked, "I want you to see if you can find Detective Hale's father," Agent Hotchner replied softly looking around to make sure the detective wasn't around. "Detective Hale? sure but why?" Garcia asked him as she began typing. "I can't find anything on Sophia's records, or both certificate of any father at all. "Her mom had a Facebook but only has 5 posts and 3 photos and they're all from December of 2005 a few months after Facebook was created. Hang on..." Garcia said. "Find something?" Agent Hotchner asked, "Maybe, there is a photo on her page. It was uploaded in December 2005 but the photo itself is time stamped December 24th, 1999. It's a photo of Sam and a guy, I sent it to your phone. Do you want me to run facial recognition on the photo and see what turns up?" Garcia asked.

Agent Hotchner looked at the photo that appeared of a dark haired woman who looked identical to Detective Hale and next to her was a man he recognized almost immediately. "Garcia hold off on facial recognition can you pull up a number for me- YOU CAN'T ARREST ME I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING," The sound caused Agent Hotchner to look up as Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid returned with Damien Harris in handcuffs and walked him to an interrogation room. 

That's when the last person he expected to see walked into the office after the agents, Lieutenant Benson instantly walked over to him. "Hotch, who's number and I looking up?" Garcia asked through the line. "Um, never mind Garcia. Thank you," Hotch replied before he ended the call and started walking over to Lieutenant Benson. "Agent Hotchner this is Peter Stone, I worked with your father on a few cases while I was a federal prosecutor," Agent Hotchner said extending a hand to him. "Aaron, it's nice to see you again," Peter said as he shook his hand. "I'm very sorry to hear about your father's passing, I didn't know you were back in New York," Agent Hotchner replied. 

"I decided to stick around, working in the DA's office here as an assistant district attorney," Peter replied. "Following in your dad's footsteps, those are some big shoes to fill," Agent Hotchner replied. "Tell me about it, so where are we on this case?" Peter asked both Lieutenant Benson and Agent Hotchner. "We managed to ID and track down a victim from almost a decade ago who ran into our unsub, with her help we managed to narrow down how he picks his victims. They're all Foster kids sometimes runaways all placed with the same foster parents," Lieutenant Benson said explaining everything they found out from Detective Hale. 

"The pimp is in interrogation now?" Peter asked Lieutenant Benson and Agent Hotchner. "Yeah, this way," Lieutenant Benson replied as she led him down a hallway and into a room with a two way mirror. "I didn't sell those girls, I saved them, I took care of them when nobody else gave a rat's ass about them," Damien said to Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid. 

"You saved them?" Morgan asked rhetorically, "Yes!" Damien replied as Morgan started setting photos of the dead teenagers on the table in front of him. "From where I'm sitting it looks like you got greedy, you wanted more money so you pimped out 13 - 15 year old girls, to men who used them and killed them. From where I'm sitting that makes you an accomplice at the very least," Agent Morgan stated. 

"Whoa whoa! I never killed these girls," Damien argued, "No you just sold them to the person who killed them, used your power of guardianship for your own selfish gain, and destroyed the souls of countless children you were supposed to protect," Dr. Reid replied glaring at the man. Damien laughed, "Those girls' souls were destroyed long before they came to me, like I said I tried to save them," Damien replied with a smug look. "You think this is funny? how funny does 10 counts of 2nd degree murder, 12 counts of child endangerment, numerous counts of fraud and forging documents, oh and we also got you on multiple counts of sex trafficking minors, and child prostitution," Agent Morgan replied. 

"Who did you sell these girls to? who did this to them?" Morgan asked him. "I'll tell you, but only if I get a deal," Damien replied smugly. "Okay, tell us who you sold them to and we might be able to talk the DA into keeping you in protective custody. If not we'll send you to Rikers and we'll see how long you last in Gen Pop." Morgan replied with a smirk. Damien's smug smirk dropped instantly replaced with fear. "You gotta protect me- Give us a name," Dr. Reid replied. 

Damien looked between Dr. Reid and Agent Morgan for a moment before he sighed. "Thomas Steel," Damien said. "Where do we find him?" Agent Morgan asked, "He calls me when he wants a date arranged, I wouldn't know how to get a hold of him. He uses burner phones and replaces them after each meet, and after using them even once," Damien replied. 

Peter Stone made his way over to the coffee nook and made himself a coffee followed by Agent Hotchner. "Can I ask you about someone?" the agent asked as he made himself a coffee. Peter raised an eyebrow to him and nodded, "Samantha Hale," the agent asked causing Peter to pause at the name. "We dated years ago while I was starting to pitch for the Mets, why? did something happen to her?" Peter asked worried. 

Agent Hotchner paused and pulled out his phone pulling up the photo Garcia sent him. "I remember that night, there was an after party after our first game of the season, we won by 8 points, why are you bringing this up, Aaron?" Peter asked him using his first name now. "9 months after this photo was taken Sam gave birth to a baby girl Peter," the agent replied. 

Peter went quiet processing what Aaron said, "You think I might be this girl's father?" Peter said more than asked as Aaron was quiet. "I- I mean it's possible there were a few nights... Are you sure?" Peter asked him. "Not without a DNA test but, the dates add up, and from what her mom told her..." Aaron replied. Peter sent him a stunned look, "You've talked to her? when?" Peter asked. That's when Aaron looked towards the room with a table and chairs that Detective Sophia sat in on the phone.

Peter followed his gaze then stared back at Aaron shocked, "Hold on isn't she one of the early victims that helped us find Harris and Steel?" Peter asked as the agent nodded again slowly. Peter covered his mouth with his hand trying to cover the shock that hit him. He found himself looking towards the room the detective sat in and he saw it. She looked exactly like her mom when he first met her 2 and a half decades ago. 


Hey everyone, I hope you like Chapter 3! What a crazy way to find out you have a kid... I'd love to hear what you thought of this chapter in the comments. I'm also hoping to have Chapter 4 posted by tomorrow ( Sunday, May 19th, 2024) 


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