Chapter 8 (Longer Chapter)

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I.C.U. Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Jay and Mouse walked into Sophia's room noticing Sergeant Platt, Will, and Peter Stone in the room. Mouse paused in the doorway at the sight of Hale, she looked so fragile almost lifeless if it wasn't for the steady monitors beeping to the sound of her heartbeat. "Did you catch them?" Sergeant Platt asked looking at Jay who nodded. "We got them, they flipped and gave the Feds the name of who planned the whole thing," Jay replied. "good," Sergeant Platt said with a nodd looking back toward Sophia. Jay stayed quiet as he walked into the room noticing Peter was looking out the window on the opposite side of the room. 

Sergeant Platt stood beside Will sitting in a chair beside Sophia. "Why are you here anyway?" Jay asked Peter bluntly wondering why a New York assistant district attorney was checking on his sister. The question caused everyone to look at Jay stunned as he crossed his arms looking at Peter who looked at Sophia then back to the detective. 

"Because she's my daughter," he replied with a straight face and calm tone. Will, Mouse, and Sergeant Platt were stunned by the news that caused their jaws to drop. "Yeah right, Sophia's dad took off before she was born 25 years ago," Jay scoffed as he shook his head. " I only found out a couple of days ago," Peter replied staying calm as Jay rolled his eyes. "If you're going to lie, put some effort into it for me at least," Jay replied getting irritated. 

"He's not lying detective," the voice caused Jay to turn to the doorway where Agent Hotchner stood. "Here," Peter said handing Jay the paper containing the DNA results. "Okay, congratulations. Why are you here? You took off 25 years ago before Sophia was born, her mom couldn't sober up to get her out of the system, and where the Hell were you?!?" Jay asked him rhetorically. "Jay let me see," Will said as Jay handed him the paper not taking his eyes off Peter. 

"You abandoned her, and now you wanna show up here all these years later. Just get the Hell out of here," Jay snapped at him. Peter nodded walking over to the door but paused, "Sophia's mom, Sam. She never said anything to me. If I had known I never would've let her end up in the system, Hell I wouldn't have left her with Sam in the condition she was in. I know I can't change that I wasn't there for her growing up, and I really appreciate you and Will looking out for her for all these years when I didn't. I want to be here for her now if she wants me to be, but she deserves to know I never abandoned her... I just never knew she existed." Peter replied before he made his way over to the door and left the room. Agent Hotchner sent the detective a look but said nothing before he left the room following Peter down the hall. 

The moment Peter and Agent Hotchner disappeared the room stayed silent. Will was still looking at the DNA test results. "How did they even get these results?" Will asked looking at Jay. "They probably ran a DNA test on a cup, water bottle, or mug she drank from while she was in New York helping the feds on a case," Sergeant Platt replied looking at Will as she walked over to the door. "I'm gonna grab a coffee," Sergeant Platt said before she left the room leaving Jay, Will, Mouse, and Sofia. 

Chicago Med Cafeteria, Chicago Illinois

The Sergeant made her way down the hall taking the elevator to the hospital cafeteria and grabbing herself a coffee before heading back towards the elevators. She paused when she saw Agent Hotchner and ADA Peter Stone sitting at a table drinking to go cups of coffee. Sergeant Platt walked over to the table causing them to stop talking and look at her. "Look... " She said keeping her eyes on Peter as she spoke in a stern tone. "I have known Sophia since she was 10 years old, I got called to a flophouse in Humble park. Her mom got a bad batch and overdosed, her foster guardian at the the time felt it would be better if I told her... I promised myself I'd look out for her after that day... So tell me, and don't lie to me. Did you know about Sophia?" Sergeant Platt asked him in a calm tone not taking her gaze off him. 

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