Chapter 13 (Longer Chapter)

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1 Week Later 

21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

Jay sat at his desk drinking his morning coffee while the team went over where they were on the case. "Halstead, How's Hale doing?" Mouse asked him from his desk. "She's been back at her own apartment for the last week, I stopped by last night to hang out with her for a bit," Jay replied as he looked at Sofia's desk. "I can't imagine what she's going through between this and her childhood," Ruzek said shaking his head. Jay stood up from his desk without a word and made his way into the break room to grab another coffee. 

Sofia Hale's Apartment Building, East Garfield Park, Chicago Illinois

Sofia spent the night and most of the morning thinking over what Peter said to her. He seems genuine, she thought as she let out a sigh looking at his card sitting on her counter. 'If you have any questions or you need anything give me a call. 

Sofia made her way to her room getting changed for one of her follow up appointments at Med. To see how the bullet wound was healing, It didn't take her long to throw on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt before she made her way out of her apartment and called a cab not comfortable driving with 1 hand. 

The appointment didn't take long and Sofia was walking back into her apartment less than 2 hours later. Dr. Choi went through her follow up appointment impressed with how well her injuries were recovering. Dr. Choi said that if her injury continued to heal at this rate they could talk about clearing her for work by the end of the week.  Physically Sofia was healing well, but emotionally and mentally she felt stuck. 

The case from New York brought back a lot of unwanted memories, followed by the attack that was caused by talking about part of her childhood. The question surfaced again, leaving her with so much doubt. How can I do my job if I can't protect myself or my team?

Sofia let out a frustrated sigh pushing the question and thought out of her mind. Only to think about what Peter said. She had many questions but also didn't know if she trusted any of the answers he had for her. Sofia got up from her seat on the couch and made her way into the kitchen making herself a coffee hoping she'd get cleared to go back to work soon. Sitting around with nothing to do but overthink was beginning to make her restless and frustrated. Sofia carried her mug of fresh coffee over to the couch and spent the afternoon flipping through different TV shows and movies unsure of what to watch or do. 

1 Week Later...

Sofia spent the week hanging out around her apartment, and hanging out with Will when he was off shift at Med and Jay when the team didn't have a case they were working. Thankfully her appointment at Med went well and Dr. Choi and Dr. Rhodes signed off on Sofia being able to return to work. Along with reminding her Med had people she could talk to if she felt overwhelmed, which she politely declined not liking the idea of sharing any of her issues with a stranger let alone a shrink. 

After her follow up appointment at Med, Sofia drove back to her apartment got changed, and grabbed her badge and gun before she made the short drive to work. 

21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

Sofia parked her car next to Jay's pickup truck in the back parking lot of the 21st district. Taking her keys she stepped out of the car locking the doors behind her as she made her way into the building. 

"Morning Sarg," Sofia said to Sergeant Platt sending her a small smile and wave as she made her way to the gated stairs that led up to the intelligence unit. "Good Morning Detective, it's nice to see you're back," she replied. Sofia sent her another smile as she put her code in the keypad on the gate along with scanning her palm. 

The gate clicked unlocking and Sofia made her way up the stairs hearing the rest of the team before she saw them. "Look who it is!" Ruzek cheered noticing Sofia first. The rest of the detectives started clapping and cheering. "Welcome back Hale," Mouse said. "So we got you something, don't say we didn't get you anything," Jay joked as he wheeled a wheelchair from the hallway causing Sofia to chuckle and shake her head. 

"Wanna go tough guy? I've spent the last week watching Rhea Ripley matches," Sofia replied jokingly as she lifted her fists to Jay. "Rhea Ripley?" Antonio asked her confused. "The women's world wrestling champion," Sofia replied. "I didn't know you watched WWE," Jay replied. "Have you seen Rhea Ripley? I have never seen a woman I'm terrified of and attracted to at the same time. It's very confusing," Sofia replied half joking. 

"Hale, I didn't know you were coming in today," Sergeant Voight said standing in the doorway to his office. "I got cleared to come back and I didn't want to leave you short handed any longer," Sofia replied earning a nod from Voight. "Alright, but do me a favor and stick to your desk for a couple of days. I don't need you dropping on us," Voight replied as Sofia nodded agreeing as she went over to the break room to make herself a coffee and return to her desk. 

"So I went through Pod footage around both scenes up to 2 days prior to the robberies. A block away from each location that was robbed, a day prior to the robbery this red Toyota was spotted by pod cameras. It's the same car at each scene and when I ran the plate I got a hit to a Stephanie Scott, I also got her work and home address for you," Mouse said from his desk. "Alright, go check it out. Nice catch Mouse," Voight said as Atwater, Dawson, Ruzek, and Halstead got up from their desks and made their way down the stairs. 

"Hale," Voight said catching her attention. "A word," he said before walking back into his office as Sofia stood up and followed the sergeant into the office. "Do you want the door open or closed?" She asked. "Assume I always want the door closed," he replied sitting at his desk as she shut the door behind her. "What's up Sarg?" Sofia asked turning to look at Voight while hovering behind the chair in front of his desk. 

"I got you medical clearance from Med to return to work, After an officer related shooting it's mandatory to talk to a physiatrist," Voight told her. "Jay mentioned something about that, but honestly Sarg I'm good," Sofia said trying to reassure him only to earn an unconvinced look from the sergeant. 

"That may be so but it's not up for negotiation. You have your first appointment at Med at 2  this afternoon, don't be late," Voight replied. Sofia wanted to argue but she also knew there was no point, "Alright then..." Sofia replied as she went to the door and walked back over to her desk. She might have to go see someone, but that didn't mean she would say anything. 

Shortly after 1 in the afternoon, Sofia got up from her desk and told Voight she was heading to her appointment before she made her way out of the district and over to her car. The detective climbed in, started the car, and made the drive over to Med. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Sofia sat in a small office space on a couch sitting across from a young woman who looked a couple years older than her. She'd introduced herself as Dr. Sara Reese when they met, Sofia introduced herself and they made some small talk before they sat down. After that Sofia didn't say anything, the two just sat in silence for their entire appointment. 

Sofia agreed to set up another meeting with Dr. Reese before she made her way out of her office and towards the lobby of the hospital. She took the elevator down and stepped off in the lobby. "Sof," She paused turning in the direction of her nickname to find Will walking towards her. "Hey, how's it going?" She asked sending him a smile. "I'm good, what about you? I thought you were cleared to go back to work?" Will asked remembering what Sofia told him before she left Med this morning. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked Chapter 13! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Chapter 14 should be posted by next weekend ( Saturday, June 22nd, 2024). Thank you so much for all the love and support on this story <3


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