Chapter 11

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Sofia pushed her doubts away distracting herself with the surprise party, walking around talking with everyone after they ate cake and opened presents, Sofia was once again extremely shocked by how everyone went above and beyond it felt weird considering there wasn't even a handful of times her birthday was celebrated in her entire life. 

The first was when she lived with Jay, Will, and their Dad and Mom, The second was while she was with Andi Swann's task force last year before going undercover, and this year with the intelligence unit. 

The day went by really fast and Sofia found herself back in her hospital room and bed. The sun had set a few hours ago around the time visiting hours ended and Pat, and the rest of her team left for the night other than Jay. Leaving the two of them since Will was working a shift in the ED tonight. 

Jay was sleeping in the chair next to Sofia's bed as she tried to fall asleep but couldn't. Thinking about how stupid she felt for thinking that carrying a gun would somehow make her feel safer from being assaulted. "I'm surprised you're still awake," Sofia looked towards the door noticing Will walk into the room. "i can't sleep," Sofia replied softly with a sigh as she looked at Jay who was still passed out. 

"want to talk about it?" Will asked her softly as he took a seat on the edge of her bed. Sofia went to shake her head no but paused. "i guess i just feel... kinda stupid for thinking..... that if i carried a gun....... this wouldn't happen bec-because.... I could protect myself... i'm such an idiot," Sofia said the last part more to herself as she just shook her head trying not to start crying. 

"Sof, you're not an idiot." Will said as he pulled her into a hug. "your just saying that to make me feel better," Sofia replied softly as her voice broke. "i'm not just saying that to make you feel better Sof, your not an idiot, you've been through a lot of shit. just like i told you when you moved in with us, i'm here for you and Jay. no matter what happens, what life throws our way, we have each other's backs," Will replied causing a tear to fall from Sofia's eyes. 

She pulled him into another hug, "thank you," Sofia said softly into the hug. "always," Will replied as his pager beeped on his hip. The two pulled away from the embrace as he looked at his pager. "i gotta get back to the ED, are you gonna be okay?" he asked her as he stood up sending her a worried look. "i'll be okay plus i'll wake Jay if i'm not. go do your thing, i love you," Sofia said still keeping her voice quiet so she didn't wake up Jay. 

Will nodded looking at Jay then Sofia, "i love you too, i'll be back in a bit to check on you. in the meantime you should try to get some rest," Will said before he walked out of the room. Sofia tried to take Will's advice and get some sleep but only ended up tossing and turning until the sun started to rise. With a sigh, Sofia rolled her eyes sitting up and noticing Jay was still sleeping in the chair next to the bed. 

Her stomach growled hungrily as she sat there for a minute before she pushed herself up, and stood up from the bed slowly wheeling her IV stand out of the room along with herself. Sofia made her way down the hall to the elevator pressing the button and waiting before the doors slid open and she stepped inside pressing the main floor button. 

The doors slid open and Sofia made her way out of the elevator and over to the main entrance of the hospital. Straight ahead were a few taxi's ready to pick up patients that got released and to the left was a sidewalk that led to the parking lots. The curb next to the sidewalk was full of food trucks, and coffee trucks and extremely busy with hospital staff getting their morning coffee before heading into Med. 

Sofia made her way over to one of the coffee trucks surprised she managed to make it all the way outside without anyone noticing or caring. She did notice a few looks she got from hospital staff as she stood in line to get a coffee, breakfast sandwich, and maybe a muffin. She was hungry. She knew that the hospital would bring breakfast in a couple of hours but she was hungry now and didn't want to wait to eat. It would only make her angry. 

It didn't take long for Sofia to reach the front of the line. "Morning, can I get a large caramel latte, a bacon and cheese breakfast sandwich and do you have blueberry muffins?" Sofia asked the truck vendor who nodded his head yes. "And a blueberry muffin please," Sofia replied with a smile. "Your total is $26.30, Cash or card?" he asked her. "Card, please, and can you add another latte and breakfast sandwich please," The voice caused Sofia to look behind her noticing Will was standing there. He sent her a smile as he paid for their breakfast and the two stepped aside to take a seat on a nearby bench. 

"Thank you for paying for breakfast," Sofia said as she rested her head on his shoulder as they waited for their order. "I'm just glad you didn't take off, I thought I was gonna have to chase you," Will replied causing Sofia to laugh. "If these trucks weren't here I would've left to look for food, I'm so hungry," she replied. "Halstead," the vendor called causing Will to stand up and walk over taking their order and walking back over. "Come on let's get you back inside and to your room," Will suggested as the two started walking back into the hospital taking the elevator back up to her floor. 

The two stepped off the elevator Sofia was already eating her muffin as they made their way down the hall only to run into Dr. Choi and Dr. Rhodes, "I got hungry," she replied. "Sofia you're supposed to be resting," Dr. Rhodes replied. "But I was hungry- Next time wake me up and I'll bring you food you can't just take off from your room without a word Sof," Jay said meeting them in the doorway of her hospital room. Sofia nodded as she made her way back into the room finishing off the muffin and eating the breakfast sandwich. 

Later that afternoon everything was looking stable and well enough that both Dr. Choi and Rhodes agreed they were comfortable discharging Sofia, however getting cleared to go back to work would take a couple of weeks. 

Sophia Hale's Apartment Building, East Garfield Park, Chicago Illinois 

Jay ended up driving Sofia back to her apartment after she was discharged from Med. Will was on call in the ED and said he'd stop by after his shift ended to check on her. Jay's pickup truck stopped in front of Sofia's apartment and her gaze drifted to where her car sat thinking back to the night she got jumped. 

"Sof, you okay?" Jay asked noticing what she was staring at. She nodded slowly not saying anything just keeping her gaze on the car thinking about how they showed up out of nowhere, smashing her face off the frame of her car over and over until she passed out. "Do you wanna head over to my place for a bit?" Jay asked noticing she still hadn't looked away from the car. Sofia didn't say anything she just slowly nodded her head yes not wanting to be lost in the memories. 

It wasn't until Jay started the truck, pulled away from the curb, apartment, and her car that Sofia looked up taking a shaky breath before looking at Jay who had a worried look on his face when he glanced at her. "thank you," Sofia said softly earning a nod from him as they drove towards his apartment. 


Hey, I hope you like Chapter 11! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 12  finished, edited, and posted by the end of tomorrow. 


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