Chapter 10 (Longer Chapter)

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Sofia woke up to the sun shining through the window in her room. She let out a yawn still trying to wake up before looking around the small hospital room noticing both Jay and Will were gone. A soft knock on the door caused Sofia to look up noticing Agent Hotchner, Lieutenant Benson, and ADA Peter Stone. 

"How are you feeling?" Agent Hotchner asked her as he stepped into the room along with Lieutenant Benson and ADA Peter Stone. "Could be worse but also could be better, I'm guessing you didn't stop by to check in on me though," Sofia said as she reached over to the small table next to her bed and picked up the DNA results Will handed her last night. 

"What's this?" Lieutenant Benson asked confused as she walked over to Sofia's bed and handed her the paper. "If you wanted to run a DNA test you could've just asked instead of taking one behind my back while I was in New York as a favor to not only SVU but the BAU helping your case; which wasn't easy for me to do for the record," Sofia said as she crossed her arms looking at ADA Peter Stone and Agent Hotchner. 

Lieutenant Benson looked up from the paper looking at ADA Peter Stone. "Can I talk to you in the hall? Both of you," she said more then asked as she walked out of the room still holding the paper in her hand as the 3 disappeared down the hall and out of sight. After a few moments, "Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" The voice caused Sofia to look up at the doorway to find Pat and Will. 

"I've had worse days, how have you been?" Sofia asked as Will and Pat walked into the room. "Working, keeping busy, the same old," Pat replied. "So this one won't tell me what happened to ya," Pat said, sitting in the chair next to her bed, keeping his gaze on her the whole time. "I got jumped and robbed when I was heading home from work," Sofia replied half lying. She did get jumped, not robbed but it was easier to tell him that instead of telling him she was abducted and assaulted. 

Pat shook his head, "Where was Jay? Why didn't he drive you home?" he asked getting angry "Or You- whoa, whoa... Hang on, we're not gonna blame anyone here. I drive myself to and from work, not Jay or Will, and if anything I should've paid more attention to my surroundings," Sofia replied as Pat let out a sigh. 

Lieutenant Benson, Agent Hotchner, and ADA Peter Stone made their way out of Sofia's room and down the hall around a corner stepping into the next hallways before the Lieutenant stopped walking and looked at them both still holding the DNA results. "Is this what the lab dropped off at SVU for you a few days ago?" Lieutenant Benson asked. 

"Yes, but Liv I had to be sure," Peter replied. "Then you ask, you can't just go around taking Detective's DNA, especially detectives my unit works alongside from time to time. SVU and Intelligence have worked cases together for almost 2 years now. That relies on both units being able to trust each other and be transparent with each other, especially when our detectives are on loan from the other unit to assist on a case at our request," Lieutenant Benson replied shaking her head in disbelief before she turned and walked back down the hall towards Sofia's room but paused when she saw the Detective talking with Will and an older man she didn't recognize. Lieutenant Benson decided to grab a coffee and stop by to check on Sofia later. 

A soft knock sounded on the hospital room causing the three to look up noticing Jay standing in the doorway. "How are you feeling?" he asked her as he stepped into the room, "I'm alright, I thought you ditched me for a second there," Sofia replied half joking knowing how much he hates hospitals. "Nope, just had a few things I had to take care of. How do you feel about going for a walk?" Jay asked Sofia who was instantly surprised by his suggestion. "Yes, but I don't think Dr. Choi or Dr. Rhodes would agree or be thrilled by the idea," Sofia replied. "I talked to both of them and as long as you're in a wheelchair you can go for a walk and as long as we stay on this floor," Jay replied before stepping into the hall and wheeling in a wheelchair and a small bag. 

"I am not getting in that," Sofia replied as she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. "It's not really negotiable Sof, it's hospital policy," Will replied as he held out a hand to her to help her stand on her feet. "Here, I stopped by your apartment and picked up some stuff for you so you'll be a bit more comfortable," Jay said as he picked up the bag, opened it, and handed it to Sofia. She took the bag and opened it noticing her favorite pair of sweatpants and her favorite hoodie were in the bag along with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a new toothbrush and toothpaste, and a hairbrush. "Thank you," Sofia said before she pulled Jay into a hug. 

 "I'm still not getting in the chair," Sofia replied as she took the IV stand and started wheeling it towards the bathroom to get changed before she walked out of the small bathroom and out the door into the hall. "Sof- Will," She replied using the same tone he had as Jay walked on her left side down the hallway with a hand on her back in case she lost balance or fell. 

"Sofia, I'm serious," Will replied as their dad patted him on the back. "Give it a rest," Pat told him before he followed Jay and Sofia down the hall. Will let out a sigh leaving the wheelchair behind and followed his family down the hallway. Jay and Sofia took a turn at the end of a couple of hallways pausing when Jay stopped in front of a door. "What are you doing?" Sofia asked him confused as he pulled the door open to a massive conference room full of people. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOFIA!" The room called out as they stepped inside sending a wave of shock over her. 

Sofia looked around the room noticing the rest of the intelligence, the BAU agents she worked with in New York, and while she was still with the FBI, Some of her friends from Firehouse 51 Kelly, Matt, and Gabby. Sofia looked at Jay and Will knowing they set this up regardless of the fact she told Jay she didn't want anything planned. 

Sofia made her way into the room having everyone wish her a happy birthday. As she made her way around the room she paused when she noticed 2 women she hadn't seen in almost a year. Sofia instantly excused herself from the conversation she was having with Gabby, Antonio, Kelly, and Matt and made her way over to the woman she was surprised to see. 

"Agent Andi Swann, Agent Seaver? This is an unexpected surprise," Sofia said as Agent Seaver pulled her into a hug. "How are you feeling? What happened?" Agent Seaver asked letting go of their hug and looking at her partner she worked with for almost a year in Agent Andi Swann's Task Force. "It's a long story, what brings you by?" Sofia asked them getting straight to the point. "You didn't think we'd miss your birthday did you?" Agent Swann replied "I just didn't expect to find out you were in the hospital," she added. 

Sofia was confused, "How did you know I was here? Did you track my phone?" she asked causing Agent Swann to chuckle and shake her head no. "I called Sergeant Voight when your phone went to voicemail twice," Agent Swann replied earning a nod from Sofia. "How's the CPD treating you?" Seaver asked her after a moment. "It's been really good, how's the Task Force?" She asked Agent Swann. "Everyone's good, they send their love," Agent Swann replied. "We all miss you, it hasn't been the same since you left," Seaver replied. "I miss you all too," Sofia replied as the lights in the room turned off only letting the light from the windows in the room. 

The light glow of candles caught Sofia's attention as the room started singing Happy Birthday. Sofia could feel her face starting to go red from all the attention, eyes, and everyone singing. With a deep breath, Sofia paused looking at the candles on the cake in front of her that said 'Happy 26th Birthday Sof!' Jay was holding for her so she could blow out the candles. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. 

'I wish this would get easier, everything would get easier, life would get easier'

Sofia let out a deep breath blowing out the candles as the room cheered and clapped. The lights switched on and Jay and Will started cutting the large cake. Sofia forced a smile on her face as her mind began to wonder how many times she'd have to heal herself just for some entitled person, usually an entitled ass man to destroy all the progress she made and take more pieces of her she didn't have left to give; it felt like an exhausting cycle she couldn't shake. What messed with her mind more though was, How could she protect anyone else? or have her team's back when she couldn't even protect herself. She had a gun on her when she was attacked and yet she still couldn't protect herself. 


Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed Chapter 10! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I also wanted to take a moment to say Thank you so much for your patience on chapter updates, and all the love and support for this book so far <3 I'm hoping to have Chapter 11 posted by tomorrow (Sunday, June 16th, 2024) at the latest. 


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