Chapter 12 (Longer Chapter)

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Jay Halstead's Apartment, Bucktown, Chicago Illinois 

Jay and Sofia sat on his couch with Family Guy playing in the background for the last hour. "I have a spare room and bed if you want to crash here tonight," Jay offered remembering Sofia's reaction when they pulled up to her apartment building. He'd seen that look before, she was reliving what happened that night, almost stuck in a memory she didn't want to be a part of. Jay hated seeing her like this, "Are you sure?" she asked him not wanting to agree or take him up on the offer unless he was absolutely sure. "Of course I'm sure, you're more than welcome to stay as long as you need," Jay replied seriously. 

Sofia pulled him into a hug, "thank you," she replied softly. "Anytime Sof," he replied before letting go of the hug. "So how about I order some pizza, we throw on As Above So Below and we hang out?" Jay suggested earning a smile and nod from Sofia. "Deal," she replied with a smile as she took the remote and started looking for the movie while Jay ordered the pizza. 

The two sat on the couch watching the movie, Sofia lay under a blanket. 20 minutes into the movie a knock sounded on the door, Jay got up from his seat and made his way over to the door pulling it open to reveal Will. "I grabbed the pizza on the way over, what are we watching?" he asked as he kicked his shoes off and walked over to the couch setting the box of pizza on the coffee table. "As above so below," Sofia replied as Jay shut the door and walked back over taking a seat in his spot. "Is that the movie about the group of explorers that decided to wander into the Paris Catacombs?" Will asked as he grabbed a slice of pizza from the box. 

"Archeologist and a film crew but yes," Sofia replied as she grabbed a slice of pizza. "You know they actually went into the restricted section of the catacombs to film this movie. You couldn't pay me enough money to go in there, I think it's said to be around 6 -7 million bodies in some of those tunnels," Sofia replied. "7 million bodies?" Jay asked her not believing her, "The catacombs were originally a mining shafter for limestone I think, it's whatever they originally built Paris from. Then the bubonic plague hit, and graveyards and cemeteries hit max capacity so the city decided to dig up and move 6-7 million corpses at night; so they wouldn't upset the people or the church. They chucked them down 2 wells into the catacombs where the workers would move them into 2 sections of the mines." Sofia replied pausing when she noticed both Will and Jay staring at her. 

"What I did research on it, as much as the place terrifies me I'm also... intrigued," Sofia replied. "Must have taken them forever to move the bodies," Will replied. "Years... not to mention Paris isn't even sure how big the mine system is under the city. They guess around 199 miles of tunnels. That's crazy to think about, or how haunted that place is."Sofia replied before she let out a laugh. "The city of love is literally built over an entire city of death," Sofia added earning a chuckle from Jay and Will. Halfway through the movie Sofia fell asleep leaning on Jay's shoulder. 

Sofia jumped up startled from a nightmare, more of a bad memory of her attack. Taking a few deep breaths she looked around the room confused until she remembered she was at Jay's apartment in his guest room. Sofia let out a shaky breath as she rubbed her hands over her face before the smell of fresh coffee hit her. 

Jay must be up she thought as she got up from the bed and made her way out of the guest room, and into the living room where Jay was sitting on the couch drinking a mug of coffee. "Morning, I didn't wake you did I?" he asked as Sofia shook her head no making her way into the kitchen to get herself a coffee and walking back into the living room and sitting next to Jay. "Don't you have work?" Sofia asked him, Jay shook his head no. "I asked Voight if I could take today and tomorrow to be with you since I didn't think you wanted to be alone," he replied. 

Sofia sent him a look that screamed are you serious, "Go to work Jay, I'll be okay." She told him. Jay sent her a hesitant look, "Sof," Jay started to say. "Jay," Sofia replied using the same tone, "Serious, go to work. I'll be okay and I'll call you if I'm not," Sofia replied. "Are you sure- Yes now go. Voights already short handed don't make him more short handed," she replied as Jay finished his coffee took his mug to the kitchen, and paused behind the couch Sofia was sitting on.

"You're sure- Yes," Sofia replied before he could finish what he was saying. Jay nodded putting his shoes on before grabbing his badge and gun and made his way out of the apartment locking the door behind him. 

Sofia spent the day on the couch watching TV, spent the afternoon napping on and off, and laying in bed before she finally got up to grab herself some leftover pizza, took a shower, and fell asleep. The team must've caught a cause considering Jay didn't come home until after she crashed for the night and he was gone before she woke up. The only reason she knew he was home was because there was a fresh pot of coffee that was still hot when she got up in the morning. 

It was like that for 4 days until Sofia decided it was probably time to go back to her own apartment. She couldn't stay with Jay forever and the longer she stayed here the more she knew Jay and Will would worry she was not doing as well as she claimed. 

Sophia Hale's Apartment Building, East Garfield Park, Chicago Illinois

Sofia took a cab back to her apartment, she paid the driver and quickly made her way inside the building and to her apartment not wanting to look at where she was attacked. The moment she walked into her apartment and shut the door behind her she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

Sofia locked the door, kicked her shoes off, and walked down the small hallway into the bathroom to take a shower. After her shower, she got changed and made her way over to the couch curling up under a blanket while she watched reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. until she fell asleep. 

The sound of knocking on her front door is what startled Sofia awake, she sat up looking around the room as another round of knocks sounded on the door. With a sigh, she stood up and made her way over to the door looking through the peep hole pausing at who she saw before she unlocked and pulled the door open. "What are you doing here?" she asked ADA Peter Stone confused as to why he was at her door. 

"Can we talk?" he asked her, "I mean go ahead, you're already off to a great start... stealing my DNA to run a DNA test behind my back, Going through my file to find my address, and having to show up at my door... Please I'd love to hear what you have to say," Sofia said crossing her arms. 

Peter just nodded, he didn't get mad or defensive. Sophia Your mom, Sam. She never said anything to me. If I had known I never would've let you end up with CPS, Hell, I wouldn't have left you with Sam in the condition she was in. I know I can't change that I wasn't there for you growing up, I want to be here for you now if you want me to be. You deserve to know I never abandoned you... I just never knew about you, and I wish I had Sofia," Peter said softly. Sofia didn't move or say anything, " too..." was all Sofia said with a sigh. 

"Look I know this is probably a lot for you with everything already going on but I wanted to give you my number. I'm sure you might have questions and I'd be happy to answer them for you and maybe get to know you if you want... here, it's my card with my personal number. If you need anything... give me a call," Peter said handing her a card and turning and walking down the hall and disappearing. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked Chapter 12! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 13 posted by the end of today. At the latest Chapter 13 will be posted by next weekend (Saturday, June, 22nd, 2024). Thank you for all of the love and support on this story <3


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