Chapter 9 (Longer Chapter)

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Shortly after Sergant Voight and Sergant Platt left Will returned with Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi. They both went over her vitals and ran a few tests. Everything seemed to be improving enough they moved Sofia out of the I.C.U. but she still had to stay in the hospital for a few days under observation since Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi didn't feel comfortable with the idea of releasing her so soon.

Mouse ended up leaving when visiting hours ended. "How are you feeling?" Will asked Sofia as they all drank their milkshakes Jay ended up picking up knowing it was one of the few things that made Sofia feel better. "Like Hell," Sofia replied honestly, "I haven't been in this much pain since..." Sofia stopped talking and shook her head not wanting to mention what she was gonna say. Not to mention it didn't add anything productive to the conversation and there's another either of her brothers could do about it now. It would just hurt them to know. 

"Since you were placed with Damien Harris," Jay said causing Sofia to look at him stunned. "How - The case you helped the Feds on is the reason you got attacked. The ring leader got scared when he heard you were helping the Feds and tried to take you out..." Jay replied. 

Sofia nodded slowly realizing if Jay knew who that was then... "So... you know about what happened - after you got moved from our house and placed with him," Jay replied finishing what she was gonna say. "He'd drugged and pimped you and other girls in his care out in exchange for cash," Jay replied trying to contain the anger in his voice. Sofia sighed, "I'm not sure if it'll make you feel any better, but I don't remember getting... pimped out. I barely remember the drop off and I remember waking back up at Damien's house," Sofia replied. 

Jay shook his head, "not really Sof," was all he said softly trying to cover the pain in his voice. "Can you both promise me something please," Sofia asked Jay and Will who looked at her. "Don't tell your dad what happened, please?" she asked them. "I never wanted either of you to know what happened after CPS moved me from your house. He's the closest thing to a dad I've ever had... and I really don't want that look.... The look he gave me for the first month I lived with you guys. The pity, the sadness... please," Sofia said as her voice turned to nearly a whisper. 

"I didn't tell him anything, and I won't say anything. But can I ask why you didn't want us to know?" Jay replied. Sofia nodded as tears started to fill her eyes. "I remember the day my case worker picked me up from your house. I couldn't stop sobbing, everyone was so upset and sad and crying. I couldn't sit there and tell you that the house they put me in after I left did..." Sofia's voice cracked and she shook her head as she wiped her tears away. 

Will and Jay were quiet as they both tried to fight tears forming in their eyes from the memory of that painful day CPS moved Sofia out of their house. Only to find out all these years later she'd been pimped out to strangers. "I won't tell him," Jay's voice was soft, Will nodded "I called him after you got brought into Med but I didn't tell him what happened and I won't if you don't want us to," Will said. 

"Have you talked to anyone about any of what you went through Sof?" Will asked earning a mixture of a scoff and a laugh from Sofia. "A therapist? Um, not a chance. I didn't want to tell you and I trust you both more than pretty much anyone else in this world. Why the fuck would I tell a stranger. That's not happening," Sofia replied shooting the idea down immediately. "You do know it's mandatory to talk to a therapist after a shooting as a CPD officer to get reinstated," Jay mentioned. "I'll go but I'm not talking, Look this isn't the first time I've been attacked and assaulted sexually. it wasn't the worst attack or assault I've endured and unfortunately, it probably won't be the last either," Sofia replied shrugging. 

Will and Jay were shocked by what Sofia was saying, "I'm gonna do my best to make sure what happened doesn't happen again Sof, and you don't have to carry all this on your own," Jay replied as she shook her head. The room went quiet for a couple of minutes, "you asked me a few months ago why I don't date, hook up, or go out to clubs or even bars without You or Will, or somebody I trust." Sofia said looking at Jay who met her eye. "It's because of what you went through," Jay said, "It was a huge part of the reason," Sofia replied. "And the other part?" Will asked her, "You both know I worked for the FBI before working with the CPD, but I never mentioned what unit or what I did," Sofia replied. 

Jay and Will were quiet but nodded, "I worked with the FBI's Domestic Trafficking Task Force, Primarily shutting down Human trafficking, Sex trafficking, and Child trafficking rings across America," Sofia explained. Will and Jay both looked horrified, "Tell me you're joking- That's not even... Just let me finish saying what I need to say or I probably won't say it." Sofia told him. 

"Okay," Jay replied, "You know how I kinda... lost touch with you both for a year before I came home? Sofia asked causing them to nod again slowly. "I wasn't just a field agent for the Domestic Trafficking Task Force. I was... an undercover agent for them," Sofia replied. "So the year you were gone you were- undercover looking into a human trafficking ring yeah," Sofia replied answering Jay's question. "Can I ask questions now?" Jay asked her. "Depends on the questions," she replied. 

"What happened?" Jay asked, "My cover ended up working... I ended up befriending the ring leader of the trafficking ring, which led to me getting abducted by the trafficking ring..." Sofia said letting out a shaky breath. "When I didn't check in with my handler, my team was notified. They ended up calling in Agent Hotchner's team to help locate the ring and me, That's how I met Agent Hotchner, his team and my team kinda saved my life," Sofia replied not wanting to get too much into the details. 

Will and Jay were stunned by what she told them, "were you okay when they found you?" Will asked after a moment. His voice was barely above a whisper. "I got beaten up a bit but I was fine considering," Sofia replied. "Needless to say. I don't trust people easily after my childhood and undercover work. The undercover work I did made it so I don't go to clubs or bars on my own without someone I trust otherwise I stay home. My childhood is why I don't hook up, date, or even try intimacy in any way." Sofia replied. 

"I can't say I blame you," Will replied trying to cover the sadness in his tone. "Since we're all being honest. There's something we should tell you," Jay said earning a confused look from Sofia. "You remember ADA Peter Stone? He's the ADA on the case you helped the BAU and SVU on in New York before you got attacked?" Jay said more than asked causing Sofia to nod but not say anything. 

"Well, he flew out here with Agent Hotchner and Lieutenant Benson. With this," Jay replied as Will pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, handing it to Sofia. "We don't know how or why he ran your DNA but those were the results," Jay replied watching Sofia read the results. 

DNA Test Results: Sofia Hale 

50% Paternal match: Peter Stone

50% Paternal match: Samantha Hale  

Sofia read the paper half a dozen times making sure her eyes weren't messing with her. "are you guys messing with me? because with everything going on... I can't- We're not messing with you Sof," Jay said taking her hand in his. 

"What? why? why now?" Sofia asked staring at the paper in disbelief. "He said he didn't know, your mom never told him about you," Will replied. Sofia let out a sigh as she shook her head, "I'm not surprised, my mom had an addiction and it was bad. Not to sound salty or as if I'm holding a grudge because I'm not; But the truth is her only priority was her pills and her next fix. It's what she thought she needed to survive," Sofia replied with a sigh as she looked at the paper once more and set it on a small table next to the bed and chair WIll was sitting in. "You should try and get some rest," Will suggested as Sofia nodded curling up under the thin hospital blanket. 

"You guys aren't going home to get some sleep?" Sofia asked them. "Nope, we are staying here until you get released and even then I might crash on your couch," Jay replied causing Sofia to chuckle a bit. "You guys are the best brothers and I love you losers," Sofia said, Jay and Will smiled at her. "We know, and I love you too Sof," Jay said softly. "I love you Sof, now try and get some rest," Will said pressing a kiss to her forehead before switching the light in the room off. Leaving the light from the hallway as the only faint glow shining into the room as Sofia slowly drifted to sleep. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked chapter 9! I'm hoping to have Chapter 10 written, edited, and posted later today or next weekend at the latest ( Saturday, June 15th, 2024). 

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments so far! I'd also like to take a moment to say thank you for all the love and support on this story <3 


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