Chapter 7 (Longer Chapter)

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ADA Peter Stone's Office, District Attorney's Office, New York City

Peter sat on the couch in his office across from Aaron who was sitting on a chair when his phone rang. "Hotchner," the agent said answering the call, "Agent Hotchner, It's Lieutenant Olivia Benson, I might have an update on the case," she said through the line. "Okay," the agent replied, "I got a call from Sergeant Voight, he's- Detective Hale's boss," the agent said remembering the man he spoke to in Chicago. 

"Detective Hale was brutally attacked outside her apartment last night, Beaten, Abducted, shot, sexually assaulted, and left for dead," the Lieutenant said causing the agent to freeze at her words. "Is she okay?" he asked, "She's at the hospital in surgery now. Do you think her attack might have something to do with the case?" Lieutenant Benson asked. "We're gonna find out, I'll be back in 15 minutes," Agent Hotchner replied before they ended the call. "Peter," Aaron said looking at him, earning a confused look from him. "Sophia was attacked last night outside her apartment," Aaron said telling Peter about what Lieutenant Benson informed him. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

The intelligence unit didn't leave the waiting room, Will stood beside Jay as they waited for any update on Sophia. 3 hours passed agonizingly slow without a word from anyone on the condition of the detective. A soft knock sounded on the waiting room door causing everyone to look up noticing Lieutenant Benson from NYPD's Special Victims Unit along with ADA Peter Stone who used to be ADA here in Chicago before he moved, beside him was a tall man in a suit Jay recognized as one of the feds that requested Sophia help them on their case in New York. 

"Lieutenant Benson, Stone, Agent Hotchner," Voight said walking over and shaking their hands. "I didn't know you'd all be flying out here," Voight added looking at Stone confused as to why he was here as well. "Sergeant Voight, sorry to meet under the circumstances. We're here to assist you guys in your investigation any way we can," Agent Hotchner replied. 

"Sophia Hale," Dr. Rhodes said walking into the waiting room with Dr. Choi. Jay and Will walked over to them as everyone stood up. "The bullet was a through and through, we managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize her. The other thing that's worrying is the CT and Head scans that came back. The multiple blows to the head caused her brain to start swelling, we ended up inducing a coma until the swelling goes down," Dr. Rhodes explained. "Can we see her?" Jay asked as Dr. Rhodes nodded and led him and Will to the I.C.U.

Will and Jay were led to a room with a sliding door, Sophia was lying in the hospital bed with tubes coming out of her throat, and the top of her head was wrapped in gauze along with the dark bruises across her face. The sight broke their heart and enraged Jay. "I'm so sorry Sof, I should have been there for you," Jay said softly as he took her hand in his and took a seat in the chair next to the bed. 

Will placed his hand on Jay's shoulder trying to comfort him even though tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Jay sniffled and wiped a tear that fell from his eyes as he lifted Sophia's and kissed the top of her hand. "We're gonna find who did this to you, I swear," Jay said softly keeping his focus on Sophia. 

Jay stood up walking over to the door, "Where are you going?" Will asked him softly still standing beside Sophia's bedside. "To find the bastard that did this," Jay replied trying to keep his voice even as he looked at his sister one last time before he walked out of the room, down the hall, and into the waiting room where everyone was standing around talking. 

"Our tech analyst at Quantico started going through pod footage, a camera across from Detective Hale's apartment caught the attack on camera." Agent Hotchner said to Sergeant Voight, Platt, the intelligence detectives, Lieutenant Benson, and Peter Stone. "She's running facial recognition on the attackers," Agent Hotchner replied. "Attackers? How many?" Sergeant Voight asked, "Two, they waited for her to get home. Attacked her the moment her back was turned," the agent said handing Voight his phone that had the video. 

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