Chapter 4

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Special Victims Unit, New York City Police Department, New York City

Sophia sat in the small room at a table on the phone with Jay, "So how's the case going?" he asked. "It's going," Sophia replied with a sigh not wanting to go into the details, especially with Jay. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked, "Not really, how are things there?" Sophia asked. "Not bad, we caught a robbery homicide case, it's an odd one though," Jay replied. "I'm hoping I can come back soon, I'm not entirely sure there's anything left for me to do to help on the case they have out here," Sophia replied. 

"So you're saying you should be home for your birthday?" Jay asked and Sophia could hear the smirk through the line. "Whatever you and Will are planning No, forget about it. I'm serious Jay," Sophia said. "Who said we planned anything?" he replied earning a laugh from Sophia. "I don't believe you for a second," she replied as the door to the room opened and Agent Hotchner appeared in the doorway with a tall man in a suit with short brown hair. "I'll give you a call later, I gotta go, Bye" Sophia said before she hung up the call. 

"How are you doing? I brought you a coffee," Agent Hotchner replied as he stepped in the room and set the mug in front of the detective. "Thank you," she replied noticing that the tall man beside the agent was staring at her as she took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee. "I saw you brought Harris in... Did he give you anything useful?" Sophia asked. "He has, Detective Hale I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. This is ADA Peter Stone," Agent Hotchner said introducing the man. 

"Detective Sophia Hale, nice to meet you," She said holding her hand out as Peter shook her hand. " Thank you for helping us out on this case, we wouldn't have gotten this far without your help," Peter said causing her to nod but stay quiet. "No problem, um I'm not really sure how much more I can help you out on this going forward. So I might head back to Chicago if you're alright with that Agent Hotchner," The detective replied. 

"Thank you again for coming all the way out here and I'm really sorry- Don't please," Sophia said cutting off his apology for her crappy childhood. "It's in the past, done and over with. Onwards and upwards from there. If you need anything feel free to reach out," Sophia said. "Of course, same goes for you," Agent Hotchner said as the detective finished her coffee and gathered her things before she left the room saying goodbye to the BAU agents and Special Victims Unit before she made her way out of the building taking a cab to the airport. 

The moment the Detective left the office Peter took the mug Sophia was drinking out of and placed it in an evidence bag. "Your gonna run the DNA?" Aaron asked as Peter nodded, "I don't wanna mention anything unless I'm absolutely sure, it would only hurt her more to get her hopes up if we're wrong," Peter replied earning a nod from Aaron. 

O'Hare International Airport, Chicago Illinois

Sophia ended up catching the next flight from New York back to Chicago. Luckily for her, there were a few empty seats left on the flight; which only took 2 and a half hours before it landed at O'Hare. The detective made her way through the airport and outside over to a cab. "21st district police department," Sophia told the driver before they began driving. 

21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

The drive to the 21st district took about 40 minutes before the cab pulled in front of the faded brick building. Sophia paid the driver in cash and hopped out of the cab before making her way inside the building. "Welcome back Detective, How was New York?" Sergeant Platt asked as she walked into the building. "Great," she replied forcing a smile as she made her way up the stairs scanned her palm, and put her code in unlocking the gate. 

The detective could feel the sergeant staring at her as she made her way upstairs to the intelligence office. "Look who it is!!" Ruzek hollared when he saw Hale. "Welcome Back!" Dawson cheered as Jaay stood up and pulled her into a hug. "I thought you said you'd let me know before you left New York so I could pick you up from O'hare," Jay said as they let go of the hug. "How was New York?" Voight asked Hale. "It was good," she replied as she set her stuff at her desk and sat down. 

"How'd the case turn out?" Ruzek asked, "Helped them make progress I guess, wanna fill me in on this case?" Sophia asked shutting down any more talk of New York. Voight and Jay exchanged a silent look before they looked at Sophia. "3 Robbery homicides in the last week in little village. They hit houses with security systems and manage to avoid all cameras they kill the fathers in front of the family if they resist," Dawson explained. "They wear motorcycle helmets the entire time so we can't get ID through POD and eyewitness statements all say they kept the helmets on during the robbery," Ruzek added. 

"Alright, go through POD footage, witness statements, if you gotta boots on the ground. This robbery crew didn't just vanish into thin air. I want to knew when in my city they think they can hide." Voight said as he looked at Sophia but didn't say anything. The detective turned to her computer and started going through POD footage around the area of the crime scene hoping to find anyone, or a vehicle something in each video they could connect back to this robbery crew. 

As the detective went through the footage she could feel someone staring at her. She lifted her gaze noticing Jay was staring across their desks at her. "What?" Sophia asked sending him a look to stop staring at her. Jay raised an eyebrow at her after she snapped at him, Sophia rolled her eyes got up from her desk, and went into the break room to make herself a cup of coffee. 

As she poured her coffee she heard Jay follow her into the room, "Sof, what's going on?" he asked softly leaning against the counter next to her. "Nothing's going on," she lied, earning a look from Jay. "Sof, I've known you for almost 10 years, we lived together for a year growing up, I know when something's going on with you," Jay replied. "I just wanna help please?" he added. "The case just brought up a lot from foster care, I'm okay. I just don't really wanna talk about it," Sophia replied letting out a shaky breath as Jay nodded. "Okay, but if you need to talk I'm always here for you Sof," Jay said before he kissed the top of her head and the two walked out of the break room. 

ADA Peter Stones Office District Attorney's Office, New York City

Peter sat at his desk drinking a glass of scotch as he looked at the Polaroid photo in his hand of him and Sam when they were both 24 - 25. His mind wondered if Sam did have their daughter why would she never tell him? A knock sounded on his office, "It's open," Peter called as the door opened and Lieutenant Benson walked into the office holding a folder. "The FBI got Steel, he's on his way to a maximum security federal prison, the lab dropped this off at SVU for you," She said walking over and handing him the sealed folder. 

"Thank you," Peter said giving her a small smile. "The feds charged and arrested Harris as well for conspiracy, child endangerment, child trafficking, think the feds cut him a deal?" She asked. "Not a chance, from what agent Hotchner said he's going to get them to throw the book at him, he's gonna be made an example of," Peter replied as Sergeant Benson nodded and walked out of his office. 

The moment she was gone he opened the envelope reading the results. 

DNA Test Results: Sofia Hale 

50% paternal match Peter Stone

50% Paternal match Samantha Hale  

Peter paused looking at the results that confirmed Aaron's theory. Sophia is in fact his daughter, he covered his mouth shocked by the information. What hit him harder was the realization of everything that Sophia endured and he didn't even know the half of it, but he was going to find out. 


Hey everyone, I hope you like Chapter 4! I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments. I'm also hoping to have Chapter 5 posted sometime tomorrow ( Sunday, May 19th, 2024) 


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