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Kim Taehyung's POV

After a few minutes of looking for my assigned room, I already found it; I immediately opened it, and I found three people inside my room. They are fixing and arranging their own belongings.

They look at me weirdly and stop what they are doing. They have been staring at me for a while.

"This is my assigned room. Three of you can leave," I said to them. But they just laughed at what I said.

"This is also our room. If you want to have your own room," Jimin said while he was arranging his things on his bed. "Are you going to have this bed?" He is pointing to the bed that is near the window.

"Or you want to sleep on the carpet outside; you choose, Kim," Jimin said.

Ugh! Argh! I want to throw something in his face. He is annoying so much. I don't have any choice; that's why I only went into the bed that he pointed at.

"Why are you locking your foods in the cabinet?"I asked a young boy who was wearing glasses.

"Mrs. Jhun is coming. She might also confiscate the foods that I brought," he answered.

"Even snacks? They are confiscated. How strict," I said. I can't believe there's still a school that's so strict.

"I am Jeon Wonwoo, and the boy who is there is Kim SeokJin," he said while pointing at the SeokJin boy, and I looked at him.

Wait? Is he related to the principal?

"Are you related to Mrs. Jeon? The principal," I asked him. He immediately nodded and said, "She is my auntie."


"Wait, where's your luggage? You need to fix your things because later Mrs. Jhun will check our things that we brought," Wonwoo said, making me remember that my luggage is still outside.

"Omygod! It's still outside," I exclaimed.

"Do you need help bringing your luggage here? "Jimin asked.

Of course, I accept his offer. I brought a lot of luggage, and it's all huge.

"Let's go, Won and Jin. Let's help this Chicago boy," Jimin said, then they followed me outside to bring the luggage.

After a few minutes of struggling, we successfully brought the luggage to our shared room. They sit down in their own beds with their heavy breath.

"Thank you, guys! I will give you some of my stuff so that I can repay you for your kindness," I said to them. They immediately sat beside me and helped me open my luggage.

I take out my things one by one, and I can see in their faces that this is the first time they have seen this kind of stuff.

"Is this a panty? "Jin asked while he was holding my bikini pants.

"That's my bikini," I answered.

They are helping me very well to fix my things and arrange them.

"Oh look! This crop top will look good on you, wonwoo," I said, then I gave him my sleeveless crop top.

"Is this a kid shirt?"Wonwoo asked, which made me laugh at him.

"Oh god! This is a crop top, and it will fit on you," I said, and then he just nodded.

I also gave some things to Jin and Jimin, and I was laughing at their reactions when I gave them revealing clothes.

I am a crossdresser, and even though I am a boy, my dad accepts me for who I am. These three boys with me are also the same as me, but they are not wearing a female clothes. But now, I will teach them.

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