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Kim Taehyung's POV

I don't know how I will react to him. He is so handsome. Jungkook is more handsome than the rest of the boys in Chicago.

"Ah yes! I am Kim Taehyung," I answered him. I try not to stutter in front of him.

"I heard so many things about you," he said. I only give him a forced smile.

What are the things that you heard about me, Jungkook Hyung? I wanted to ask him, but I don't want to know what he heard about me because I already knew that's all about my mess.

"Jungkook Hyung, we need to go. We have the next class, and we need to take a shower and change our uniform," Wonwoo said. Jungkook just nodded and let us leave the ground to go to the locker room.

I quickly went to the shower room and started to wash everything and clean myself. I sweat a lot when I am playing. After that, I came out to get my uniform in my locker, and when I opened it, I found it to be torn.

"Who the hell did this?" I yelled. Everyone who was still in the locker went to me.

"Oh god! Tae!" Jin said when he saw my uniform in pieces. I can see that my uniform was obliviously cut into pieces.

"Jimin, I don't have anything that I can wear," I said when Jimin arrived and saw the uniform torn into pieces.

"Jin, get some clothes for Taehyung in our room," Jimin said. Jin immediately left the locker room and went to our shared room.

"Won, you and our classmates should proceed to our next class, and please inform us that Taehyung is having trouble; that's why I and Jin are helping him." Jimin talked to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo and our other classmates left us and went to the next class. While I and Jimin are left in the locker room, waiting for Jin, I was wrapped up in my towel while I had some underwear under it.

"There's only one person that will do this to you," Jimin said, breaking the silence inside the locker room.

I know who he is talking about. When I saw my uniform, I already knew he was the one who did this to me.

"I don't want to cause a mess in this school, Jimin. I want to go back to Chicago; that's why I need to behave here and prove to my dad that I changed," I said to him.

"I understand, Tae. But we can report this to the principal."

"We don't have any proof against him, Jimin. I think it will be okay if we don't mind him anymore," I said.


"The clothes are here! I chose it well, Tae," Jin said when he arrived, showing me the clothes that he got for me.

"Thank you, Jin and Jimin," I said to them. They immediately gave me a huge smile.

"Wear it. We will wait for you here," Jimin said, then I nodded and went inside the shower room to wear the clothes that Jin had brought for me.

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now