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Kim Taehyung's POV

After eating, we are ordered to proceed to our first class. While we are walking, Jimin scolds me about what I did earlier in the lunch. I didn't mind what he was saying, but I only nodded at him. We were walking to our classroom when someone blocked my way, and I found out who it was: Kim Yugyeom.

Jimin quickly pulled me away from Yugyeom. They went aside from Yugyeom, and they are politely giving him away.

"Jimin, didn't you teach this Chicago boy some good manners?" Yugyeom asked with his irritating voice, which made me feel annoyed.

"I am sorry. I will teach him next time." Jimin politely apologized, which made me roll my eyes because why is he acting like that in front of Yugyeom?

"You. Fix your attitude if you don't want me to be the one who will fix that attitude of yours. Always remember that you are nothing here but a Chicago boy who is being thrown by his father." Yugyeom said, which made me feel fuming in anger inside. But I control myself because I don't want my dad to hear that on the first day of class I am having trouble again.

Yugyeom and his allies are laughing at me. "You are a low-class boy here, Chicago boy," Yugyeom said.

"Let's go, Tae. We are going to be late," Wonwoo said. He is trying to stop the troublesome situations.

"Oh, hi! Cousin in law," Yugyeom said when he saw Wonwoo. But wonwoo just ignored him, then dragged me along with me while Jimin and Jin followed us.

Wonwoo is holding my wrist, and my hands are formed into fists because I am ready to punch that Yugyeom guy.

"Don't ever mess with him, Taehyung. He can make your life living in hell," Jin said when we sat down in our chairs. We have already settled down in the classroom and are just waiting for the teacher who will teach us.

I already calmed down, and thanks to Wonwoo, who kept my attention to focus on his nonsense story.

"Why are you all scared of him? "I asked them. I am curious about that, Yugyeom.

"He is the son of one who has a position as a board member," Jimin answered. I only shake my heads because of the reason why Yugyeom is acting like that.

"That's the reason why he is popular among the students. He is also well known as an ace student since he always topped our batch." Jin continues giving information about Yugyeom.

"He is a bully and has many allies. Yugyeom is obsessed and possessive towards my cousin, even though my cousin ignores him all the time." Wonwoo added some extra information.

"I don't care that he is the son of one of the board members at the university. I swear, if he does something to me, I will fucking kill him." I confidently said, I am not born to be weak or anything.

"Taehyung, you are putting yourself in trouble," Jin said while looking at me with a worried face.

Well, I said that I do not have friends here in SRU, but I think these three people who have been with me since morning are the ones who will be my friends for my whole stay here.

"I am not putting myself in trouble. I'm only willing to put myself in a mess if he does something wrong to me or to my friends," I said, and then they looked at me with a shocked face. I think they are shocked because I consider them my friends.

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