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Kim Taehyung's POV

"Friends? Who are you talking about friends?" Jimin asked. His face is like he knows what I am talking about; he doesn't want to assume if they are the friends that I am talking about.

"Idiot! My friends are you three. I consider you three as my friends here," I proudly said. Their faces change into happy ones.

I was shocked when they stood up from their chairs and gave me a group hug.

"Oh god! Stop hugging me; I am not into skinship," I said. I made them stop hugging me and went back to their perspective chairs.

We are chatting and talking about the things that we can share in our lives or the experiences that we have had. However, they are more focused on the things that I have in Chicago. They are very interested in and amazed by my lifestyle in Chicago.

"Are you still virgin?" Jimin asked while stuttering.

"Of course I am. I only made it out," I answered honestly.

"Do you have plastic surgery?" Jin asked.

"I didn't do plastic surgery. Every part of my body is natural. I only do some enhancing and lip filler."

"What is lip filler?" Wonwoo asked.

"Lip fillers will make your lips plump," I answered.

They had so many questions until our teacher arrived. The teacher is only discussing an orientation since it is the first day in school.

"Are you playing volleyball?" Jimin asked.

We are in the gym locker. We are changing our clothes into PE uniforms. We have a physical activity, which is volleyball. They are also looking for the players that will represent the school; that's why they required the PE class to have a volleyball play activity.

Jimin and Jin are already part of the team, while Wonwoo is not into volleyball; he is more focused on his own club.

"Yes, I am playing volleyball, and I am good with it," I answered.

"Would you like to join the team? "Jimin asked.

"I don't know," I answered. I don't know if I want to join since I know the team captain will be Yugyeom. I don't want to socialize with him.

"We lack players since half the team are all seniors. They are graduating; that's why they quit to focus on their studies." Jimin shared the reason why they lack friends and are in a hurry to find players that will replace the seniors.

"I want to join, but I don't want to socialize with Yugyeom," I said.

"Tae, just don't mind him. I and Jin are there to stop him from getting hurt," Jimin said. He is trying to convince me, but I still think about it.

"Let's go, Tae and Jimin! "Wonwoo yelled outside the locker room. I and Jimin both came out of the locker room and went to the ground. We are not playing on the court since it was used by the basketball player because they have practice.

"Okay! Form a groups!" Ms. Lim yelled, the PE instructor.

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now