Part 35

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I woke up as I felt the mattress moving..!! my eyelids were just too heavy to be opened!!! Yet.. I opened my eyes... just to realise that yester night, I had slept on him..!! shit..! he was gazing at me.. and I....blushed like anything..!! my gaze fell on his chest.. and immediately I flushed... it was smeared with 'sindoor'.. I felt like vanishing right at the moment..!! Christ..!! where are my clothes..??? I was searching for them tugging the sheet.. "good morning Mrs. Roy.." he smirked though I could make out he himself was blushing..!! "good morning..." I wished back meekly... "you really need the clothes now???" he again questioned.. and I flushed again..!!!

"what are you doing...??" I shrieked as he lifted me and brought me in front of the mirror.. in the bed sheet...!! I kept looking down... but.. "look at yourself.." he commanded, hugging me from back... my skin was filled with his marks.. I shuddered.. "you look beautiful in them.." he kissed my ears.!!! He turned me towards him...he was not better... It was a treat to see him blushing... in moments.. I was in his arms again... "mind loving you once more Mrs. Roy..???" he whispered.. and I was lost... only thing I remember is he carried me to bed again...

I pinned my nails into his shoulders as he untied the knot of the sheet.. he started worshipping my body with his love offerings.. his relishing touches made me crave for more..I arched back making myself more accessible... I kicked in the air craving... and finally he blended our souls, our bodies together.. once again... Happiness and pain are two sides of coin.. its practically true... its a pure bliss.. happiness with your husband in you.. it shadows the pain... I squeezed shut my eyes, feeling him.. cherishing him... "baby.. I love you.." he whispered taking my lips... and soon I synced into his rhythm.....

"are you okay??? Did I hurt you..??"he showered a lot of questions while detaching our frames.. my eyes dropped the tears of completeness... "I love you Mayukh.." I mumbled into his lips, thus feeling his arms wrapping around me..!!! soon.. we dozed off...


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