Part 14

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Part 14:

"had you accepted this three years back.. had you not left me that day... today... today we would be man and wife... I mean not just on papers.. but literally..." and his words made me misbalanced and I fell on the bed..!!!! "alas...!! Mayukh... it was you.. all because of you... and the reality is... we are not 'man and wife'.. we are married roomies"..!!!!  and a tear rolled down....


A couple of weeks rolled.. his taunts.. his love... everything went on in a rhythm...I was getting used to it.. even I felt like carrying on this relation as it is going and not to think about it... just like another night.. his message flashed at my screen... "Good night my lovely wife... I love you  lot.. but I will surely bunk this marriage..".. psycho.!!!

Morning crept in.. I turned to his side in sleep..!!! habit of 10 days..!!! but.. the bed was empty...!!! I jerked up..!!! what the..!!! what was I expecting ???? What's wrong with you Hiyu..??? you were expecting him??? Here?? That too in sleep..!! I pinched myself hard and got ready for office.

Shit..!!! I forgot to buy the refill for my pen...where do I get now...going to market was out of question... my office shuttle won't wait. Though I didn't want.. but I had to open his cupboard.. in search of a refill.. or a pen. It was nothing like he had warned me not to touch his belongings. But I didn't feel like checking them..!!!

I was just about to pick the pen, when I saw stack of papers kept at the lowest shelf of the cupboard...!!! they had turned yellow with time... some hand written pieces...!!! they were dated some 3 and half years back..!! I could not recognise the handwriting... may be his... for I have never seen his writing... I don't know why... I randomly started running my eyes on it.. but got stuck on sentence... "her beauty... I am floored..".. what??? What was this??? I flipped the page... and saw another line... "her attitude... I am floored..!!!" and I sat on the floor reading this..!!! did Mayukh love someone in the past..!!!! did he marry me just to take revenge...!!! I decided to read it from the beginning...!!! It was just the last night he said he loved me for the past 3 years... and now these...!!!! My heart was thumping hard..!! an unknown fear struck me...!!!! Mayukh loved someone else..!!! I arranged the papers according to the date... and was just about to start.. when a car blew its horn..!!! Hell..!!!! the shuttle has arrived.. I kept the papers back to their places.. and ran..!!!!


I just couldn't concentrate at my work... ugghhh..why..!! why am I feeling so restless..!!! I skipped the lunch.. how could I eat, after reading love phrases of my husband..!!! okay we were not conventional couples.. but yet.. he was my husband and I have the right to feel bad if there is a other woman..!!! no matter how much does he loathe me..!! I was just waiting for the clock to strike 5'... and I ran for the exit gate of my office. "hoa..!! seems like Mrs. Roy can't wait be in her husband's arms..." taunted Trisha, as I collided with her in the passage. I made a face and left.!!


"Hiyu..!!! so early today..!!!" Mamoni exclaimed as I was home just by 6... she passed me a large slice from the freshly baked butter cake... aahh.. yumm...!!! I gobbled it up... and went to room to freshen up.

Finally, I will read those stuffs... but Churni came suddenly and I droped my plan of reading... I guess, now I can read them at night after supper...!!! 


I locked the door... switched off the lights..!! so that everyone would think I slept..!!! shook out my mobile torch and started...

"after 2 long years.. I am back.. to my country. It feels great!!! With a M.Tech from University of Manhattan, joining letter from SRO..!!! simply wow... but not everything is good..!!! actually... everything is better.. probably the best..!!! who knew, here I would meet her. My love.. only love.. YES YES YES...!!! I am in love with her..though I met her just yesterday... but her beauty.. I am floored..!!!"

Few tears made their way... Mayukh... you loved someone else??? Then why did you marry me??? Just for revenge..!!! why Mayu.. why??? What wrong did I do to you??? Revenging me was so important to you that you didn't marry her even..!!!! the girl you loved..!!!! and a sudden fear dawned upon me..!!! what if he leaves me after his revenge is over..!!! no no.. no matter what.. I won't let him go anywhere..!!! what if we are not exactly like those other couples.. I wont lose hope.. I wont give up..!!! he is my husband.. and I will hold him till eternity...!!! but what if the girl too loves her and claims him away from me..!!! what if she is better girl than me..!!! I kept aside my thoughts and started reading again....

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