Ch 6: A chance to rest

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Somewhere in Inkopolis Sophie is seen walking through the streets as it is midnight and all the lights are completely off only having light from the moon.

Sophie's POV-

I have been walking through the dark streets for quite awhile and something feels off. There is no sound at all except the sound of my soft breaths and my footsteps.
All the city lights are completely out and it's almost hard to see.
I picked up my speed and wanted to head back home.

After a few minutes I can see my apartment from a few feet away but before I even take another step I hear a rumbling right behind me.
I slowly look back and see a tall figure towering above the buildings and it looked as if it was staring directly at me. It gave out a loud roar that strangely sounded familiar.
I feel a wave of fear hitting as I quickly sprinted towards the stairs and dash up straight to my apartment door. I look back again and see the giant figure getting closer.
Now scared for my life I turn the door knob, thankfully it was unlocked and I hurriedly step inside.

Now inside I close my eyes and give a long sigh of relief. But when I opened my eyes I immediately realize, I'm not in my home, instead I'm outside, on top of a tall building.
I take a few steps away from the door and when I looked back to face it, it seemed it has completely vanished into nothingness.

I look at my surroundings and see the very top of a few buildings and there was a thick layer of fog completely covering the city making it impossible to see even a few feet down.

Sophie: "HELLO! Anyone out there!?" I shouted, but no response was heard.

I saw nothing but am endless foggy void of buildings with no light except the Moon. Then I heard something out in the distance and see a dark figure moving through the mist. A few buildings started collapsing every time the figure moves past them as if purposely knocking them over.

I don't know what is happening but I just want it to end. The wind started blowing hard pushing my hair to my right side.

I see the figure move quickly and is about to hit the building I was standing on but instead it turned away and started circling around where I am.
It was on my right side them my left, looking like it was teleporting as I would see appear here and there.
I then saw what looked like a massive tail rise them sink back down, I saw what looked like spines rising from the mist and then dive back down again. I hear another loud roar that shook my inner core in fear.

I really hope this is a dream as I just want this to end already.

Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up WAKE UP!!!

I smack my head a few times just hoping I can wake up from this nightmare but nothing seems to work. I see the figure disappear into the mist as I thought that was the end of this torment.

I thought wrong.

I see a bright blue glow from the mist and a large tail emerging from below, at first the blue light blinded me for a sec as I covered my eyes to shield them. The tail slams back into the mist and disappears once again.
I began turning my head towards every direction trying to spot the creature again, but wherever I look it disappears every time.

No one's POV-

As Sophie was looking out at the distance that she didn't realize that the figure she was looking for was slowly rising from the ocean of fog right behind her. Sophie notices a blue shine forming around, she then turns her head to look back.

She is now face to face with HIM.

Sophie: "Godzilla." She whispers frozen in fear, eyes widened, not moving at all.

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