Ch 11: Calm Before a Storm

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It was now the next day as we see The agent trio sitting in their seats near Crusty Seans alongside the Squid Sisters in their disguise while Off The Hook are busy with their job.

Callie: "So you really saw three more titans?" She says excitedly and a bit loud.

Sophie: "Keep it down and yes we saw more titans." She says in a quiet tone.

Maple: "Yeah and they were huge." She says raising her hands up.

Callie: "Man now I really wish we should've stayed." She whines and sets her head on her hands in disappointment.

Marie: "I'm sure we'll see them sooner or later." She says then turns to Sophie. "What I'm wondering most is: what exactly are these titans gonna do now that they are here?" She questioned.

Bridgette: "What will the public do when they see the other titans?" She also asked.

This gets the group thinking but soon Callie speaks up catching their attention.

Callie: "I don't really care about what the public does I just want to see the other titans especially that Tiamat, she looks awesome." She says with stars in her eyes.

Marie: "*Sighs* You should care because what if the military attack them and the titans fight back? If they can survive and stand high against humans then there's no way we could stand a chance against them." She states. "Plus I think Judd mentioned how Godzilla managed to take so many nukes and cataclysmic events and yet he's still here, alive and well." She says.

Callie is left thinking about what Marie had said then she shrugs.

Callie: "Alright I hear you, but still, I would really like to see them." She says.

Sophie: "Trust me you will sooner or later." She says with a calm smile. "For now we just need to wait and see later on since Judd said Godzilla will keep watch and if they start something up, HE will be the to deal with it." She explained.

Marie nods in agreement along with Maple and Bridgette.

Callie: "How did you guys feel when you saw them up close?" She asked with her head propped up by her left hand.

Sophie: "We felt... Puny." She answered since that was the first time in a long time she ever felt so vulnerable and weak.

Marie: "Yeah I can tell, even standing near Godzilla is more than enough to feel intimidated." She says crossing her arms and sitting back on her seat.

Maple: "You got that right!" She says then taking a sip of her drink.

As the group are busy chatting they take notice of the many conversations heard around them.

Inkling 1: "Dude how tall do you think he is?" He/She says looking at the photo on his/her phone.

Inkling 2: "He's gotta be at least over 100 stories tall."

Inkling 1: "Nah man he's definitely like 1000 feet tall!" He/she says raising both his/her hands up high.

Inkling 3: "I heard he can grow wings and fly." He/She says nearby.

The group listening in all giggle at the funny reactions they are seeing.

Callie: "Man he's been around for a few days and already he's getting a lot of attention." She says then taking a bite of her food.

Maple: "Mm hm. Might as well make him a new idol." She jokes.

Callie: "Ohh I know." She says catching everyone's attention. "We should plan something for Godzilla." She says.

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