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Unknown Pov

I pried open the airlock, £~^€]> following behind me.

"&):^~*, hurry up before th-" £~^€]> started. The airlock door hissed, then clicked.

"Shhh!" I shushed him. "I got it, so shut up." I whispered to him. He nodded.

I slowly lifted the airlock door as not to make more noise. I peeked in, squinting, but it looked empty. I knew there were people inside, though. I smelled them. I smelled their blood, their flesh, their bones.

I lifted the door the rest of the way open and slipped inside, planting myself on the floor of what looked to be a cafeteria. I waited as £~^€]> followed behind, struggling to fit into the airlock.

He finally slipped through, the airlock snapping shut behind him. I took in a breath, closing my eyes and trying to tell where the people were. It was eerily quiet, so It seemed they were either hiding or sleeping. But there's no way they would be hiding, how would they know that £~^€]> and I are here? Wait... The smell is getting stronger...

I heard a gasp from my left. £~^€]> and I both swiveled our heads around, spotting a man standing around the corner, peeking. He seemed to jump back around the corner as he realized we'd seen him. I could smell his fear, his breath, his sweat.

And it smelled delicious.

I exchanged glances with £~^€]>, who tilted his head, gesturing for me to go get the human. I smiled.

"Don't mind if I do," I mouthed to him. Then I turned and darted toward where I'd seen him. My footsteps were like if my feet were purely made of feathers; soft and silent.

I could smell him nearby, but not just that. I could hear him. His breathing.

I slowly straightened my posture before snapping my head in his direction, causing him to drop whatever he was holding in fear. Passing a sign that read "Medbay," I struck him in his shoulder with my sharp tail, pushing him into a corner.

"What do we have here?" I said quietly.

"Who- What are you?" The man replied shakily.

"Nobody you would know, nobody you need to know." I smiled at him.

I could see the fear shine in his eyes. "Please leave me alone... I-"

I cut him off by pulling my tail out of his shoulder, leaving him bleeding. He inhaled sharply, collapsing to his knees.

"Why would I do that? Why should I pity you?" I teased him.

Through coughs and sputters, he managed, "My family- My friends- I love them..."

"Pathetic. That's all anybody ever says. 'Oh, but I have a family!' Give me a real reason to pity you. Like, your wife is at war or something and your kid has terminal cancer. I don't know." I got off-track.

He had one hand over the would he was bleeding from, the other trying to reach for whatever he dropped earlier.

"Oh, what's this?" I asked, grabbing the device before he reached it. As I examined it, I stabbed my tail through his arm to keep him from trying anything. He cried out in pain softly.

The item was a small communication device, open to an "emergency" line. He had the words, "SOS, aliens on s" typed out, but unfinished and unsent.

I laughed quietly. "Really? Is the best you could do to try and save yourself?" I said between bursts of laughter.

I could smell the man getting angrier, which only made me laugh more. Or, well, that was until he started to yell.


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