13 - Two Targets Remaining

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Muffin Pov

I looked all around where I was told to. I found nothing.

I thought I should go see if Nadwe was done. Maybe I could help him look. 

I headed down through comms hallway and into (i think its lower shields i dont have wifi i cant check 😭🙏). I didn't see Nad, so I went up to the security hallway.

Once I turned the corner, though, I froze.

There was Nad, but also Blaza. Blaza had him pinned on the ground. Before I could even think to stop this, he raised up a knife and plunged it down into Nadwe's stomach.

I felt my breathing pause. Nad is my best friend. A world without him is a world I wouldn't want to live in. But what can I do right now?

Blaza's head snapped up at me. I've been seen.

Blaza simply smiled at me, then went right back to what he was doing. He yanked the knife back out of his stomach, then back in, and back out again.

Suddenly, my senses came back to me. I pulled out my communication device to sound alarms with the dead body button, but I dropped it before I could press it. I fumbled a little but before picking it back up. But as I looked to the screen, Blaza caught my eye again. He was staring right at me.

"Hello, Muffin. Press the button, I dare you. Even the ghosts are here, rooting for you right now." Blaza smiled. What does that even mean? Ghosts?

I'll process that later. I clicked the body report, sounding alarms across the whole ship.

The second the red lights flashed around us, Blaza shot up from Nad's lifeless body. He jumped over Nadwe and toward me, the knife up. I flew out of the way. I don't know what possessed me, but it was almost like something shoved me into security.

The doors shut loudly and roughly right behind me, locking Blaza outside.

How did the doors close? I don't know. But either way, it saved me, so I'm not complaining.

Well, now I can't do anything. I have to just wait and see what happens, and try to get the image of Nad's corpse out of my mind.

Meme Pov

Me being the only one at the meeting table is not a good sign.

I waited a minute at first, but I had a horrible feeling about this. Something must be terribly wrong.

I decided to check over by medbay. That's where... Well, it was either Blaza or Nadwe. I don't remember.

When I walked over, the door suddenly whooshed open. I paused, confused, but maybe that's some sort of sign...? Either way, it felt like an invitation, so I peeked inside medbay.

I did NOT expect what I saw inside.

It was possibly the most brutal scene I've ever seen. I didn't even notice the body until later, there was so much more. The whole room was trashed, like there was someone just going in and destroying all of the medical equipment. But as I looked closer,it started to look more like some kind of horribly brutal scuffle took place. Blood was smeared on the medical beds, the scan, the walls... And it was just pooling on the floor around the body.

In case you hadn't already assumed so, it was Woolfster. He was up against the wall, head completely tilted down. More than what was natural. His sweater had rips and bloodstains on it and he seemed paler than usual.

I watched as blood occasionally dripped from his forehead, furthering the pool beneath him. Thank god his head was turned away so I didn't see the expression on his face, or the wound I assumed was there.

I finally ripped my eyes away. I need to find Nadwe and Muffin. They're alone, potentially in danger.

I rushed out of medbay and down into the security hallway, but when I turned the corner... It only seemed to get worse.

This wasn't as cruel as the previous scene, but still gut wrenching. I looked down to see Nadwe, sprawled across the floor. His whole stomach was ripped open, like someone had gone at him over and over again. Overkill.

His face looked dead, eyes cloudy. His usually tan skin had gone pale and his face was permanently in a horrified expression. Not just that, but I noticed the glint of a tear streak on his cheek.

I looked just past him to be met with Blaza, who's hoodie had blood splattered around the ends of his sleeves and his front. Blaza held a bloody knife, some blood crusted and some fresh.

"Meme! Perfect, now I can finish all of this off." Blaza said calmly, before jumping at me across Nad's body.

I backed away reflexively, fight or flight kicking in. My mind was telling me flight. Run, get away. But I knew I had to fight.

Once he caught up to me, He obviously came at me with the knife. He got it into my arm, but I reached up and took his hand with the knife in it. I held the knife tightly before pulling myself back, letting myself fall back like a trust fall, using all of my weight. And sure enough, it worked. He lost his grip on the knife.

I stood up swiftly and backed up some more to prevent him from taking it back. I knew I needed to strike before I could lose the knife, so I suddenly charged at him with the blade in my hand and stabbed it into his neck.

When I did this, he froze. Suddenly, he faded from the Blaza I recognized to... The same type of alien Laff had became. This one, though, had long hair. That's literally the only difference.

Blaza- No, not Blaza. This isn't the Blaza I know.

This is a thief, of both Blaza's identity and my friends' lives.

The alien choked and coughed, the knife lodged in the side of her neck. Did I get a vital organ? It pulled itself off the knife and collapsed to the ground, but still sat up. It continued coughing and bleeding white substance.

"I'm just doing my... Job..." It managed out in a gurgly cough. "Nothing personal." She seemed to giggle before finally collapsing backward, eyes empty.

OMG YAYYYY THIS IS KIND OF THE FINALE the next chapter is js more explaining plot holes and aftermath then epilogue!!!!!!!

i hope u guys enjoyed! i killed nad at the end becauseee ummm angst of my fav character?!!!!

ignore all the vivid descriptions here i feel extra write-y today. this doesnt mean memey is examining all this shit more than anybody else did... i just feel like writing moreeee

byeee :3

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