10 - Debate

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(real) Laff Pov

Thank god.

Now they finally know that wasn't me. It hurts to know that they don't know what really happened to me, but at least now they have a breadcrumb trail. I doubt they're going to follow that trail - they have much more to worry about - but, hey, it's better than them thinking that was actually me.

****** and I are just waiting for that last scummy alien to get out. Hopefully they get it out before it can kill anybody else...

Tbh claimed that he saw the ghost of the me-imposter in its alien form in the corner of his eye. Though, nobody else did, so we're pretty sure he's just paranoid.

All we can do, though, is wait and hope.

Nadwe Pov

I woke up to a lot of commotion outside my door.

As I sat up, I noted Muffin's bed was empty. I heard everybody talking just outside my door

I stepped out of bed and walked over to the door in my pajamas to see what was going on. I cracked the door and listened first.

"...wasn't me! If I wanted him to die, why would I have given him medical help?!" I heard Meme yell.

"I don't know, to make yourself less suspicious?! It would have been really suspicious if you didn't," Blaza shot back.

"If I killed him, I would have made it look like natural causes. This was NOT my work," Meme retorted.

Wait. What?

"Maybe you stabbed him like that so you could blame me! How about that?!" Blaza replied.

"Um... What?" I said, opening the door the rest of the way. Woolf, Muffin, Blaza, and Meme were all  standing there.

Muffin hurried to my side and quietly rxplained the situation to me. "Dino was stabbed last night, Blaza slept in the extra room last night, and they're both blaming each other," Muffin gave a rundown.

"... Dino was stabbed?" I asked. "Was Laff not the killer?"

"I don't know," Muffin shrugged.

I'm so confused. Were there two killers? Or was Laff somehow framed? I don't think Laff could have been framed, seeing that he literally turned into an alien. But... You never know, I guess. I listened as Meme and Blaza went back a fourth blaming each other, before I finally interrupted.

"Guys- Obviously you aren't getting anywhere with this," I said. "We're gonna have to all vote."

"Why doesn't Blaza flip his golden coin?" Muffin asked with that same blank, expressionless face he's always had.

"No, I know it's Meme, so I'm not flipping!" Blaza protested.

"... Alright, well. Are we doing a vote, then?" I said. I watched Woolf go a little paler than before. Right, I forgot he's all fucked up from when we wrongly voted Oof out.

"Yeah," Meme said. "We can vote. That can settle it."

"Alright, then. To the table," I said.

Muffin, Woolf, Blaza, Meme and I walked to the emergency meeting table in an awkward silence.

I couldn't help but notice that Meme was sweating buckets. His face was shiny and you could literally see sweat in the armpits of his doctor coat. He must be nervous.

Blaza, on the other hand, is normal. He looks a little distressed, giving Meme the side eye - but that's to be expected right now. Other than that, he is normal.

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