1 - Shattered

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Socks Pov

Meme, Blaza and I were all in reactor together. Meme did his Simon Says while I did the numbers task.

"I didn't get any sleep last night," I said casually, trying to make conversation.

"I slept like a rock." Blaza remarked.

"Yeah, we could tell. You snore like a lawnmower." Meme laughed.

"As if you're any better!!" I jumped in. "Meme, you snore like a- a cartoon. You got the 'knawk mimimimi' snore."

Meme scoffed. "Socks, shut up, you're adopted!!"

We all laughed for a second, before we heard a voice behind us.

"Hi." Muffin said from the hallway, Nadwe behind him.

"Oh, hey Muffin." I said.

Muffin just stood there and stared.

"... Need something?" I asked, tilting my head.

"I'm waiting for Meme to get off Simon Says." He blinked.

"Oh, okay." I shrugged.

"I'm almost d- NO!!" Meme yelled in frustration. I looked over and saw that he messed it up. Blaza and I started laughing.

"It's literally Simon Says, how is it that hard, Meme." Nadwe laughed from Muffin's side.

"Shut up!!! Let me focus!!" Meme yelled, only making us laugh more.

"Okay, I'm gonna go do more tasks. Bye," I said.

"Bye," Blaza said. I walked up into (i think its shields sorry i cant check map -writer) and past Medbay, seeing that somebody is on cams. I waved to the camera and kept walking.

I walked over to asteroids where Oof, Tbh, and Joocie were standing. Tbh on asteroids, Oof on download, and Joocie just standing there.

"Dude, I swear I heard something last night." Tbh said to the others.

"I didn't hear anything, Tbh. Do you think it was a dream?" Joocie asked.

"Yeah, I didn't hear anything either," Oof said, finishing download.

"I thought I heard something too," I said as I walked in.

"Really? Oh my god, finally." Tbh said.

"Yeah, like doors opening and closing. It kept me up all night," I frowned.

"Just doors...? I heard talking and yelling," Tbh said, confused.

"Talking?? Tbh, everyone was in bed asleep." I said.

"Yeah, but I swear I heard it!" Tbh frowned.

Laff walked up from O2. "What's this about hearing things last night?" He asked.

We turned to Laff. "I swear I heard voices last night," Tbh said, finishing asteroids.

"... Tbh, are you okay??" Laff tilted his head.

"Yes, I swear I heard it!" Tbh said, seeming convinced he had heard something.

"What did they say?" Laff asked as Joocie and Oof left.

"I couldn't tell," Tbh frowned. "But there was a little yelling, some regular talking..." Tbh trailed off.

"Huh. Maybe somebody was awake," He shrugged before heading over to the download task.

"I mean, yeah. That's what I'm trying to say." Tbh confirmed.

"Why does it matter that somebody was awake, though?" Socks asked.

"Whoever it was, I'm angry at them for keeping me up, that's all." Tbh shrugged. "And, plus, who would be up yelling?"

I shrugged. "I don't get why you care so much, but I have to get going to my tasks." Laff said. "Bye,"

"Bye," Tbh and I say at the same time before I hop onto asteroids. That's why I came here, I remember.

"I'm gonna go too, bye," Tbh said. I waved in response and went back to my asteroids.


Unknown Pov

I walked with ######## down into communications for my download task, talking with him.

Suddenly, he went silent.

"######?" I asked him. Nothing. I turned around and looked at him. He reached into his pocket and messed with something. The door closed.

"#####, what are you-" I asked him before he quickly grabbed me and started smashing my head into the desk.

I screamed and tried to push him away, but it didn't stop him. He kept going.

"#######, please, what has gotten into you?!" I yelled while trying to pull away from his steel grip.

That's when I felt myself shatter.


Socks Pov

I walked down after finishing asteroids, cameras still on. I waved to whoever was on there again and kept walking into storage.

But when I passed comms... There was yellow liquid all over the floor. At first, I was disgusted because I thought somebody pissed all over the floor, but then I noticed that there was more.

Blood and glass.

I ducked into comms and gasped. There lay Joocie, sprawled out on his back. His head was completely gone, shattered across the ground in the mixture of juice and blood.

The desk had dents in it and juice all over it, so I assumed he had his head bashed into it. This was no accident.

I finally teared my eyes away from my friend's corpse before running through storage, not paying attention to anybody or anything except getting to the button.

As I smashed my hand down onto the emergency meeting button, lights and sirens went off throughout the ship. People started running into the cafeteria to see what was going on.

As people started showing up, I thought about the situation. Joocie is dead, and it was no accident. Somebody here went out of their way to kill Joocie, and I felt sick.

"What happened, Socks?!" Blaza exclaimed as he ran up to Socks.

"Joocie..." Socks said.

"What about Joocie?" Blaza tilted his head.

"Joocie's dead," Socks said.

Blaza looked stunned, frozen. "What?"

"I found Joocie dead!" I yelled. Everybody around the table went silent.

"Wh- Socks, elaborate," Woolfster urged.

"Okay, okay," I said, taking a breath. "This is how it went."


FIRST CHAPTER DONE ⁉️⁉️⁉️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️ we cooking w this one



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941 words (sorry its a lil short)

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