9 - High Hopes

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Nadwe Pov

This is absolutely insane.

Laff was some kind of alien monster all along? How long had he been planning this? What's going on?

The people who'd ejected Laff - Meme and Woolf - were breathing heavily. Obviously it wouldn't be easy to drag somebody all the way across cafeteria and out of the airlock...

Suddenly, Woolf gasped. "We need to check on Dino," he said. Right.

Woolf ran down and made a sharp turn into admin, slowing down once he saw Dino. Meme followed, since he's a doctor. If he's gonna be saved, Meme would be the one doing it.

Meme knelt down beside him. Dino was unconscious, laid on his back. There was obvious bruising to his neck as if he has been choked out, but he wasn't bleeding and didn't have any kind of wounds.

Meme felt for a pulse.


"He's alive! He's alive," Meme suddenly exclaimed. I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

"Someone go get the stretcher so we can move him, the stretcher is in medbay," Meme said loudly so we all would hear clearly, but calmly.

"I can," Blaza volunteered. Blaza then scurried off to medbay.

Blaza Pov

This is horrible. Dino's hurt, and Laff was the imposter? I really never suspected Laff... I would have sworn he was innocent. That probably puts a target on my back for vouching for him previously...

How long has Laff been this alien thing? Did he get possessed once we got to space? Has he been one the whole time????? This is so confusing. And what did the alien mean by "This isn't over! None of you will survive to see your home planet again!" ?? Is it going to come back or something?

I finally made it to medbay. I remembered where the stretcher was off the top of my head. I noticed the smallest little dot of blood on it's fabric around the bottom where I would be grabbing it. Shouldn't a stretcher be cleaned between uses...?

I grabbed the stretcher and started to haul it back to admin.

Worst of all, for me at least, Socks is dead. Socks was my best friend ever, and now I'm alone.

I swear, Laff couldn't have been behind this. There's no way. It must have been Meme. I was with Laff when Socks died. We were in storage together. So, there's no way it was Laff. It only could be Meme.

time skip because  i know literally nothing about medical stuff so bare with me here (tbf i dont think meme does either so)

Meme Pov

Dino's been unconscious in medbay for about an hour now. I fixed him up pretty well, so now we just have to wait for him to wake up.

I'm glad we finally got the imposter out. I can sleep peacefully knowing that nobody else will get hurt.

Though, that doesn't make up for all of the people we lost. I think we should hold a memorial for them soon. Hopefully that can help us move on from this shitstorm.

I started brushing my teeth to get ready for bed. I hope nothing goes wrong with Dino while I'm sleeping. If he flatlines while I'm asleep... He's toast.

I'd stay up, but I'm honestly struggling to just stand right now. That's how tired I am. I really am fighting the urge to just lay down on the bathroom floor and sleep right here.

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