6 - I Panicked

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?????? Pov


***** and I were in navigation together. He had a task, but I didn't. He stood on download.

"******, are you scared of the killer?" I asked. He hasn't acted very scared this whole time, but maybe this is just how he copes. Acting tough.

"Of course," **** replied. "They're killing everybody, so who wouldn't be afraid?" He asked, still on download.

But when I looked closer... The download task wasn't even on. The screen was black.

"Hey, *****, I think you forgot to turn the download on...?" I informed him, confused.

"Oh." He still was staring at the blank download screen. I was starting to get really creeped out.

"Are yo-" I started to ask, before ****** grabbed my arm and slammed my body into the control pannel. I felt it bang into my torso, making me cough.

Suddenly, it clicked.

***** is the imposter.

"HELP!! HE-" I started to scream, but ******** pulled out a knife.


****** Ghost Pov

I can't watch this.

Am I seriously watching my friend get murdered by someone who looks exactly like me? This is like some kind of nightmare.

Right now, he thinks that's me. That makes it 99x worse.

All I can do is wait and hope somebody replies to his screams.


?????? Pov

****** pushed the knife into my throat, seeming to rush now that I've yelled for help. I felt blood run down my throat, both the inside and out of it.

I coughed and kept trying to make as much noise as I could, praying somebody would see that ***** did it.

I can't believe I trusted him.


###### Pov

I closed the doors of navigation for &):^~*, since I had the controller.

  I brought her down into comms to talk, closing the door again.

"&):^~*. What is wrong with you?" I asked her. "That was the guy who backed me up multiple times. My alibi."

"... Oh, shit. Dude, I'm sorry- He noticed I was faking a task and I panicked." She explained.

I sighed. "I'd think you'd know better, seeing that this is literally your 18th time doing this."

"Yeah, well. Everyone makes mistakes." She crossed her arms.

"Whatever, just... Think about who you kill, from now on." I said. I couldn't believe I was explaining this to my boss, my teacher.

"Yeah." She said, comm doors opening. As soon as they were open, she left.

I sighed. This might be it for me.

Well... I better go out with a bang, right?


Muffin Pov

Nadwe and I walked down from asteroids. We literally just left our room a minute ago. We finally decided to leave our room, since it's been a while. Plus, if we stick together, the killer will probably leave us alone.

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