5 - Gloom

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Nadwe Pov


Muffin and I decided to just lock ourselves in our room for now, until we needed something.

I was sprawled out across my bed, staring at the ceiling in silence. Muffin was also in his bed, but he was curled up and on his phone.

With all these deaths, we don't trust anybody but each other and ourselves. We know it can't be each other because we've been together for both murders.

"Nadwe?" Muffin asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, sitting up to look at him.

"Can you promise me something?" Muffin asked, visibly distraught.

"Yeah, man," I nodded.

"Can you promise not to split up? I don't want to be caught alone, and I don't want you to be caught alone either..." Muffin looked down.

"Yeah, that's smart. I won't split away from you. I promise," I agreed, holding out my pinky.

Muffin sat up and reached back, and we wrapped our pinkies together. Pinky promise.

Suddenly, something on my shelf fell and shattered on the floor. I jumped. "What the-" I said, looking back. A water glass fell and shattered on the ground, spilling water all over. I blinked.

"Man. Let's go get paper towels, I guess," I sighed. Muffin stood up in silence.

He's always been a little funny. Like, he's not always aware. He just stares into nothingness sometimes, he doesn't catch any hints, and he's always completely oblivious to things. I can't tell if this whole situation is making that better or worse.

I opened up the door and made sure Muffin was following. We walked out and down the hall, into storage to find paper towels.

Once we entered storage, we saw Blaza and Socks. They were laughing about something stupid Meme did, but I didn't listen enough to tell what. We started scavenging for paper towels in the boxes.


Joocie Pov

Well, that sucked. They didn't even question the glass that I worked so hard to get the energy to tip over? I knew it might be a stretch for them to know it was me. But, seriously, how can you not be paranoid after a glass falls and breaks off of a very sturdy shelf nobody was near?

Whatever. Not like I can do anything.

I followed Muffin and Nadwe out into storage. I blinked and saw who they were surrounded by. With all these people, they're probably safe... The imposters, as us ghosts have come to call them, probably aren't trying to expose who they are.

It's so scary to me that the crew doesn't even know there are two of them.

As I sat in storage, Oof came up beside me. Since I kind of indirectly am the reason for his death, there's been tension between us.

"Hi," he said quietly. "What're you doing?"

"Just watching," I sighed. "I know I can't do anything if it strikes, but... I'd like to think I could.

"Yeah. I get it," he nodded. "Nothing we can do, though," he frowned.

"Unfortunately," I sighed.


Dino Pov

"I knew he didn't do it, I knew it," Woolfster whispered. He's been a little... Out of it. Well, that's an understatement. He's not been doing well.

We stood in reactor as he did his numbers task, failing and retrying over and over again. "Why didn't they believe me? Now he's dead. He's dead and I didn't stop them," he continued his rant to himself.

Usually, this would freak me out to the point of leaving, but I'm not about to leave him alone. I don't exactly want to be alone right now, either, so...

I put my hand on Woolf's shoulder. He shuddered hard and let put a yelp.

"It's just me. Are you okay, Woolf?" I asked, keeping my voice soft.

"No, no," Woolf whispered before wrapping me in a hug and digging his face into my hoodie. (not a ship -author)

I looked down in slight shock, but mostly worry. I put my hand on his head and pat it. "Hey, it's okay... Let it out," I said.

"I'm so scared, Dino," Woolf sighed, tragedy lacing his voice. "I can't trust anybody... They all killed him for nothing... Why didn't they listen? Why couldn't I stop it? Why did he have to die?"

I blinked down at him. "Woolf... I'm so sorry. I... I don't know. But it isn't your fault," I assured him. "There's nothing you could have done... You tried, and that's what matters."

"But I tried and it didn't work," Woolf said, still not looking at me. "I couldn't stop them,"

"I know, Woolf. But there's nothing else you could have done. The past is in the past, theres nothing you can do now..."

"I know, but... I'm still sad." Woolf said, finally stepping away from hugging me.

"I know, and that's okay. Do you want to take a break in your roo-"

"No! No. I don't want to be alone. And I- I still have tasks. I can't just skip them..." Woolf said.

"Okay, okay..." I nodded. "Then we can do tasks together."

"Yes, please..." Woolf nodded.


Blaza pov

Socks, Meme and I were all in admin. I didn't have any tasks in there, but Meme had card swipe and Socks had the download.

Socks and I laughed at Meme failing his card over and over again.

When he finally got it, he looked at us and yelled, "Socks, you're bald, and Blaza, you're adopted!!"

That just made us laugh more.

As I waited for them to finish their tasks, I thought about how everybody was grouping up... Except for Laff.

I'm with Socks and Meme, Nadwe's with Muffin, Woolf's with Dino... So where's Laff? Is he just asking for a ticket to death, or what? Idiot.

Whatever, though.


Tbh Pov

I watched the imposter in absolute hatred and fear.

Knowing that this- this thing- is impersonating my friend and killing people, and I can't do anything about it? That pisses me off.

But I'm also scared. He's around all these people who trust him. They don't even suspect him.

It hurts to watch, but there's nothing I can do.


1,011 words


woolf and dino platonic supremacy

this is just a chapter to see what each character is doing and thinking, no deaths! yay!


i feel like theyre all out of character grgrrghrhr

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