4 - Sticking Around

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Tbh Pov


I stared in horror at my own dead and mutilated body.

I don't even remember what happened. One second I'm iust talking to *******, the next... I'm a ghost and he's gone.

I could only assume **** was the culprit, but that doesn't make sense. ******* wasn't even around the area when Joocie died...

It doesn't make sense.

"Tbh?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"#####?" I said, turning around. I expected to see #### alive, but... He's a ghost too. "Why-" I did a double-take. "Why are you a ghost?! Did ****** kill you, too?"

"No, no... Tbh, we have some bad news for you..." ####### said solemnly.

"Well... Nothing can be worse than looking at your own corpse, so... Shoot." I shrugged.

"The ###### that's been wandering the ship... That's not the real ###. Some alien killed me and took my place." ####### said darkly.

"... What?" I said, processing.

"Same for *******. I don't know which imposter killed you, but... Whichever one it was, that wasn't us." #### sighed.

"... Oh my god," I said. "That makes... That makes perfect sense," I said quietly. "The nightmare I had, it was real..."

"... Oh no. You got the message?" ##### asked.

"... Huh???"

###### sighed. "I used a bunch of energy to send out a message. You know, to try and get somebody to realize what was happening. But I guess that was a waste, since you got it and died immediately..."

"... We can send messages? Through dreams?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah, yeah. It takes a lot of energy, though. That's why I'm more transparent than you." He nodded.

"Ohhh..." I nodded. "Soooo, then... Where are the others?"


****** Pov - (3 am, the day Tbh died.)

"First off, I noticed a signal a few hours ago. Some ghost sent that red guy a dream." I sighed.

"He's a troublemaker," ###### added. "Told me he heard yelling on the night we arrived. Also, the orange guy - Socks - heard 'doors opening and closing'."

"I say we need to get rid of red," I said. "I'll keep an eye him, catch him alone. Since you did me the favor of our first kill - which I forgot to congratulate you for, so good job - I will get Tbh."

"Okay. Sounds good. Thank you. The device you got from your disguise helped, thank you for giving it to me," he nodded. "Also, it's so weird seeing and hearing you as a boy," he added.

"I'm pretty used to it," I shrugged. "It used to creep me out though, to have a human accent, someone else's memories..."

"Yeah. It is pretty weird." He frowned.

"Anyways, is that all?" I asked.

"Actually, I was thinking we should keep the two furries alive," He suggested. "They defended Oof and said it wasn't them."

"... Dude, you have it flipped. After we kill Tbh, they'll realize Woolf and Dino were right, which makes those two more innocent than the others. And that means??" I asked, remembering I was supposed to teach him.

"... We kill the ones that people know are innocent." He nodded. "Right, sorry."

"You're good, you're good. Don't worry," I put a hand on his shoulder. "You've done very well for just your second job."

"Thank you," he nods.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go see if Tbh is awake."


Dino Pov

Once everybody was around the table, I started to tell the story.

"I had some tasks in electrical, so I went back to do them. I found Tbh's body," I shuddered as I spoke the words, "on the power diverting task."

The others nodded. I noted that Nadwe and Muffin were especially pale. I don't blame them, though. This is scary, especially for kids. (this takes place when they're still 14/15 -author)

"The blood had dried. He must have been dead for a while." I added.

"Did anybody see him leave his room this morning?" Blaza asked. Everybody stayed silent. "Okay, it was probably before morning." Blaza concluded.

"Yeah, that makes sense... But then we have, like, no leads." Nadwe added.

"Did anybody see anybody out of their beds at night?" Blaza asked.

"Actually, I did," Socks chimed in. "I saw Meme's bed empty at one point."

Meme looked confused, then like he remembered something. "Oh, I did go and get water at, like, midnight." He nodded, "But I swear it isn't me!"

"That's a little suspicious, Memegod... But it could just be a coincidence," Socks said. "We don't want another Oof situation..." Socks quieted his voice.

"Yeah." Meme said quietly.

Suddenly, gears turned in my head. Didn't Oof say something about...

"Guys, guys. Remember what Oof said?" I asked.

"What?" Woolf asked.

"He said it was Laff," I recalled.

"It couldn't have been Laff, though!" Socks exclaimed. "There was no time for him to do that!"

"Yeah!" Laff said. "I would never be able to kill somebody in the same amount of time it takes to walk down a short hall..."

"I can also vouch for Laff. I saw him in his bed, like, twice last night." Blaza said.

"Were you watchin' me sleep, Blaza?" Laff asked, turning to Blaza. Was he joking? I couldn't tell.

Blaza and Laff stared at eachother for a few seconds.

"Anyways... We really have no way of tellin' who'se it is," Laff sighed, "but whoever it is... Know that once I find you'se, you'll be out of the airlock immediately."

"Damn right," Socks said.

"So... Meme is a little sus. That's all we've got."

The table murmured in agreement.

"Okay. We can skip voting, then." Socks said.

"Thank god," Meme sighed.

"In the meantime, I think I'm going to get an emergency meeting button built into our watches," Socks said. "So we don't have to run for the button every time."

"Smart," Woolf nodded.

"Thank you," Socks jokingly bowed. "Okay, meeting over," Socks sighed.



WHO IS IT?!?! HOW ARE WE FEELING ABOUT THE GHOSYS?!?!? i wanna hear ur predicigions!'n

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