Epilogue <3

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Meme Pov

It's been 6 months since we all got on that ship.

We got sent back home early, since we were able to signal an emergency. We never even made it to the planet we were heading to.

I went to everybody's funerals, even the people I wasn't as close to. I haven't seen Muffin since Nadwe's funeral. He seemed like he'd finally processed everything. I hope he's doing well.

I had to get stitches for my arm once I made it back. Thank god I didn't loose too much blood.

Grief is hard to process. It didn't even fully register to me until about a week later that I'd never see any of them again. I only knew Socks, Tbh, Nadwe, and Blaza before this space trip, though I still find myself grieving the others.

I met Tbh in middle school. Loosing him was the hardest for me.

I met Socks and Blaza at the same time. We were all online friends, then we met up in real life, and it just went from there. I also introduced them to Tbh.

I was introduced to Nadwe through Socks. I always saw him as the little brother I never had. It makes me sick to know that someone so young and kind had their life cut off so early.

The others all seemed nice, too. I had a while to get to know them before things went wrong.

When I made it home, I started branching out. I guess I realized how short life is, and I don't exactly have any of my old friends anymore, so I went to a bar. I met a lady called Wiktoria, and we've been in contact since. We have so many common interests, and I can definitely see myself with her in the future.

Though my house was lifeless when I first came home, it didn't feel that way. Sometimes I'd walk into rooms and there'd be lights on that I didn't remember turning on. Sometimes a paper would suddenly blow across my desk. Sometimes things even fell off the walls. One time, a framed photo of Tbh and I (which I got after I came back) was moved from my desk to the kitchen island. Though, after all the funerals, that all seemed to go away.

I'm considering going back to college. That medical degree sounds like something meaningful to distract myself with. Plus, if I became a doctor, I could make up for lives lost on that ship. It would still never make it right, but it's second best.

  I'm trying to clean things up and move on, but I know I wont ever be fully able to forget about everything. I'm not just going to heal overnight.

I just hope that, wherever they all are, the others are doing well.

Muffin Pov

I don't think I'll ever be okay after this.

I didn't know anybody on that ship except for Nadwe. He's my best friend. We tell each other everything, he's the only person I've ever had a sleepover with, and we binge shows together.

But now, he's gone.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get that image out of my head. Nadwe lifeless on that floor, his stomach stabbed open, blood splattered, his glasses crooked on his face. Just thinking about it makes my breath speed up.

It didn't feel like he was gone until his funeral. When I went to his funeral and watched the casket lower into the ground, it finally felt like he was truly gone forever. Because he is.

My parents are looking into therapy for me, but I haven't gotten any yet. I'm hoping it actually helps. I'm starting to feel like a lost cause.

I still don't know what to make of the note I found on my bed that night. I still have it. It was in Nadwe's handwriting. Sure, it was messier than usual, but... It must have been him, right? What else explains that?

I've basically been locking myself in my room every day since I got home, the funeral being the only exception. Thankfully, I'm still allowed school leave since this all happened.

I hope someday I'll accept all of this and move past it, but I can't now. A world without Nadwe is a world I don't want to live in.

Nadwe Pov

When we finally landed on earth, we all went our seperate ways. Socks, Blaza, and Tbh all followed Meme, and everybody else went to their families. We were surprised to find no ghosts on earth, other than us.

I went back and forth between Meme and Muffin. I mostly stuck with Muffin, though. I was trying to save my energy for another note, but I never got enough.

Oh, yeah, then we had the funerals. I went to Socks, Blaza, and Tbh's funerals with them. Socks was first.

That was when we learned the funeral rule.

When a person has their funeral, they officially pass on. That's why we didn't see any other ghosts, probably.

It hurt that I never got to say goodbye to Socks, since we didn't expect it, but it's okay. Hopefully he's doing okay.

Next was Blaza, and the same thing happened, which just left Tbh and I. Then when Tbh's funeral rolled around, he passed on too.

I was all alone.

Well, except for Muffin and Meme. Not like they could see me, though. When I found out that my funeral was coming up soon, I tried to write Muffin another note, but I couldn't. I could barely pick up the pencil.

Today is my funeral. I don't know what's going to happen to me, but I hope I end up okay.

But just in case, I want the world to know one thing.

Fourteen year old gang lives on.

the end ❤️‍🩹


this fic was so much fun to writeeeeee and it was so much fun reading you guys' comments!!!!

if you have any questions about things in the story, comments about it, literally anything! please leave them below! i want to see

one last chapter will be released soon here, it'll basically be pointing out things you might have missed, dropping the imposter alien guys designs, and more !

make sure to check out the next fic im writing! it'll be an smp rewrite maining memey!! with LOTS of angst!!!

i love you guys so much ty for reading ❤️‍🩹

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