7 - Tragedy

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????? Pov - before the imposters showed up


I haven't done a single task since I got here.

I was starting to feel guilty that everyone else was working their asses off doing them, so I decided to stay up late and do everything that I should have done over these past few weeks. First, I started in electrical.

This is really boring without any people around. They're all asleep. I guess that's what I get for not getting these done on time...

Once I finished my electrical tasks, I checked my device for where my next tasks were. I decided to go to medbay next.

I walked past reactor and security and around the corner. But as I walked down the hallway, I heard something.



I froze and listened further. I assumed somebody was awake, but I didn't want to be outed for not doing any of my tasks yet, so I stayed back.


Wait. I've heard that noise before. Is that the airlock...? But what could be opening the airlock right now??

I stepped closer but was interrupted by another noise.


The airlock shut. Either something left, or...

Something got in.

I finally peeked around the corner, still trying to stay in the dark. But I wasn't greeted with a familiar sight at all. Two tall, dark figures; and I mean dark as in solid black. They were so dark that they had no shadows on them. As if I were staring into a black hole. I could only make out their outlines and... Their... Eyes..?? Are those eyes?

I sucked in a breath in shock, but I immediately regretted it as the figures' eyes glowed. I realized that their eyes were previously shut, but I caused them to open them.

I ducked back around the corner and instantly started to shake and sweat. What the hell are those things?

I suddenly remembered that I can message home for help. I pulled out my communication device and started to type an SOS message.

Hands sweating, I worried that this may be the last thing I do.


Meme Pov

I can't believe this. How could they manage to trace this to me? Why would they blame me?

On top of Socks being dead, the way that everybody's been avoiding me like the plague is making me really scared. I'm a perfect target, all alone like this. Or maybe the imposter is framing me? Maybe they're trying to make everyone think it was me so they vote me out.

I honestly don't know who could have done it. I'm most suspicious of Blaza, but like... Seriously, he would never hurt Socks, and vice versa. Blaza wouldn't. He couldn't.

But who else could it have been? Just about anybody.

I mentally sighed and rolled over in bed. Everyone was in bed except for Dino, Woolf, and Laff. Well, not everyone except them... Of course we're missing some people.





It really hurts to think about. Both Tbh and Socks were my closest friends on the ship. It makes me feel horrible to know what happened to them.

I finally rolled over one last time.

Goodnight Joocie, Oof, Tbh, and Socks. I'm sorry.


Blaza Pov

I'm definitely blaming Meme for Socks' death.

It's the only thing that makes sense, seeing that I wasn't with him, and Meme could have easily lied. Laff can back me up in my alibi, but nobody can verify what Meme was doing.

I laid on my back in bed, gazing up at the ceiling. I still can't believe Socks is dead. He was my best friend...

I snuggled into my blanket a little more. How am I supposed to sleep knowing that my best friend was just brutally murdered, not to mention it happened literally one room away?

I wish we could contact home to come get us, but when we tried to, all the cables were cut... I don't know what happened there.

I don't think I can sleep knowing that a killer is in the room.


Dino Pov

It's been a few days since Tbh died, and Socks died today. Everybody is on edge.

I'm more worried about Woolf than any killer, though. His mental health has just been getting worse and worse...

He refuses to leave my side, and yesterday he started refusing to speak. He just follows me around silently. Poor kid.

The light is gone from his eyes and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. He probably hasn't, actually. He's also paranoid about anything and everything.

Theres nothing I can do except be there for him.

Woolf and I were currently in admin while everyone else was asleep. I was on download while Woolf stood in the intersection of the hallway, hands in his pockets.

"I hate download," I said. I knew he wouldn't reply, but it felt awkward just being in silence. "It takes forever," I frowned. He nodded.

Behind me, I heard the faint sound of metal. Specifically, like, when a sheet of flimsy metal is waved around. I turned around and looked, but I don't think Woolf heard.

I didn't see anything, so I chalked it up to just being the ship.

Then, the doors shut between Woolf and I, trapping me in admin and leaving Woolf in the hallway.

I gasped softly. Shit, this isn't good. I know I'm safe since I'm in an enclosed room but... What about Woolf?

I pounded on the door. "Woolf? Woolf, go somewhere safe," I yelled to him through the door. I heard silence for a few seconds - hesitation - then scurrying away down to storage. Thank god. Hopefully he'll be okay.


Woolf Pov

Oh god. Oh no.

I'm all alone now. Dino got trapped in admin. Of course he's safe now, but now I'm locked out and alone. I went through storage and around through the comms hallway, constantly checking behind me. It's better to keep moving than be caught still and off guard, right?

I made it into sheilds and looked all around me. I listened, but it was just silence and the engine running.

Am I safe?

And then I heard it.

A scream, coming from admin.


1,020 words


currently dumping ALL my trauma on woolf im sorry- 😭



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