8 - A Variety of Things

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before u read this,, know that i just had a huge argument with my dad and his gf that literally resulted in me runnign away plus my grgandma broke her legs and arm sooooo im kinda dumping all my current emotions into this. just a warning >_< also i guess i have the fanfic writer curse where absolutely insane shit happens to u lmfaoooo. anwyay enjoy

Joocie Pov (keep in mind hes a ghost with all the other ghosts)


I can't believe how absolutely cruel this is.

Killing everybody is one thing, but to specifically target Woolf and Dino, knowing with what's been happening with Woolf...? That's a whole different level of psychopathic.

I think I'm the only one who's watching all of this right now; I followed Woolf when he ran, because I thought Dino would be safe in admin. I know I wouldn't have been able to help if someone did try to kill Woolf, but... I'd like to think I could help.

I was the first to die- Actually, that's a lie. #### and ***** died first. The imposters used them as disguises. I mean that I was the first to die that everybody knew about. Why they didn't magically clean up my body like they did for ***** and #####? I couldn't tell you.

Maybe they're trying to rile everybody up and make them scared. But how would that help them? Maybe they can only clean a few bodies up? I don't know.

I'm also 90% sure the imposters can see us. The other day, I was talking to one of the imposters. I was mostly just doing so out of anger, but I swear I saw their eyes dart up to me in a glare.

~~ flashback ~~

"Life is so short," I said, standing in front of one of the imposters- the one disguised as ******. "I don't know if you things have the same lifespan as us, but... Time is short, too. Surely that applies to you," I shrugged.

"Yet, you still want to do this," I said, getting up in the imposter's face. "Why? Why can't you just be peaceful and nice to us? We would be nice to you."

Suddenly, the imposter broke his task-faking. He looked me dead in my eyes and gave me the hardest scowl I've ever seen. As soon as I'd seen it, he went back to his task.

I blinked, stunned. Did it just look at me? Can it see me...?

~~ flashback over ~~

I think that was the creepiest thing ever. I told the others, and we tried for a while to get the imposters' attentions again, but we got nothing. Maybe I was just seeing things.



I was sitting in security on cameras. I can't switch the cameras since I can't touch anything, so I'm just on the admin hallway cameras.

Dino and Woolf are there. They've been hanging out a lot more since everything went wrong. I'm glad, they seem like good friends.

I don't think I'm the only one who's noticed the changes in Woolf specifically. He's putting less effort into his outfits and hair, he's got the worst eyebags I have ever seen, and he's paler than usual. In fact, I think he's been wearing that same hoodie since the day Joocie and I died. I'm really concerned for him.

Also, Socks, Tbh and I all made up. They felt really bad for voting me out- especially Socks. But grudges won't resurrect me, so I forgave them. We've all kind of made a wordless agreement. No matter what beef we had when we were alive, we've only got each other now, so we can't hold grudges.

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