14 (year old gang) - Is it Over?

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Meme Pov

I dropped the knife promptly, feeling dirty holding the same knife that held the blood of Nadwe and probably Woolf. Fuck, maybe the whole crew.

Then, I heard a door open around the corner. Footsteps followed. On edge, I backed away, but then I saw a familiar face peek around the corner.


I had assumed he probably died too, since that alien had said that it would "finish it all off" with me. I was so relieved to see him.

"Muffin!" I exclaimed, running over to him.

"Meme, what happened?" He simply asked.

"I killed it," I simply said. "It's over, Muffin. It's okay." I went in for a hug, and he took it.

"I watched him kill Nad. He went for me next, but the doors closed and kept him away from me." Muffin explained, pulling away from the hug.

I nodded. "I saw the body report, and nobody showed up, so I came looking and found Blaza. He went for me, but I got him before he could hurt me."

"... Are you sure?" Muffin asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Your arm." He pointed out. I looked down and, sure enough, my arm had a huge stab wound. The adrenaline must have stopped me from feeling it.

"Oh, shit." I said. "Yeah, he did get me. Um. Medbay is wrecked." I didn't know what to do.

"Come on, we still gotta try," Muffin said, suddenly dragging me by my unharmed arm, but he stopped when we got to Nad's body. He paused, and I looked over to try and see what he was thinking. His eyes looked empty, but wide. He snapped out of it before I could observe any more and stepped over Nadwe.

I followed and turned the corner to go to medbay. "Muffin, don't go in there- I suddenly remembered how gruesome of a crime scene it was in there. "It's bad."

He stopped, thank god. "What do you mean?"

"Woolf's dead in there," I broke the news.

Muffin just blinked. "I guessed he was dead, but I kind of forgot about that... Can you patch yourself up?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Just don't look inside," I said again for good measure.

"Okay." Muffin nodded.

I turned the corner into medbay and started to search for surviving medical supplies.

Nadwe Pov

I was so close.

I almost made it out of there. If I had just stayed curious, I would still be alive.

But at least my best friend and Meme are okay. Meme was always like a father or older brother to me. Of everybody here, they're the ones I would want to survive the most.

(flashback cuz i rlly wanna write this part XP)

My vision was suddenly dark.

When I was able to see again, I was still on the ground. I sat up and jumped to my feet the second I realized Blaza wasn't holding me down anymore. Though, something felt off. I felt weightless, painless.

That's when I looked down.

I was met with my own corpse, blood and guts spilling from my abdomen. My eyes were open in fear, a tear still on my cheek. It's weird seeing yourself in the 3rd person, but it's extra bad when you're seeing yourself dead in the 3rd person.

My eye was then caught again by an orange blur. It was Blaza, jumping at Muffin...? When did Muffin get here?! is he okay?!

I watched Muffin get shoved into security by Socks- Hey wait. Socks?

Oh. The ghosts of everybody who died are still here...?

Socks and Joocie then worked together to slam the door behind Muffin and lock Blaza out.

Blaza let out an annoyed grunt and kicked the door. "Why do human souls have to be so persistent..." He sighed.

(flashback over lololololol)

As I watched Meme head into medbay without Muffin, I heard a voice behind me.

"I'm really sorry, Nadwe," I heard. I turned around and was met with Dino.

"Oh, hi, Dino. And it's okay," I said.

"I tried to help," he continued. "Tbh and I did. We tried to pull you away from him, but we used all our energy on closing the doors so he couldnt get into medbay." Dino frowned. He seemed genuinely regretful.

"Ohhh, you guys closed the doors? Why?" I asked.

"Woolf was in there. The alien was going to hide the evidence." Dino explained.

"Oh," I nodded. "So is everyone just... Stuck here? As a ghost?" I asked.

"Yeah," Dino said, not elaborating.

"Aw," I said. No cool afterlife journey or anything?

I watched Meme come out of medbay, bandages around his arm. Muffin stood up and they seemed really awkward. I would be too, in their position.

"So... You guys closed doors? Ghosts can touch stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually. But only once you build up a lot of energy. We figured out that when you've just died, you have the peak amount of energy. The longer you don't use energy, the more builds up. You're not very transparent yet, I'd say you've got a lot of energy left. Now's the time to act." He explained (🤓).

"Oh. Do you think I could write something?" I asked.

Dino, face scrunched up a like. "Maybe like... One sentence?" Dino said hesitantly. "It's not worth wasting it all on, in my opinion, but it's up to you."

"Okay. I think I know what I'll do."

Muffin Pov

Meme and I both agreed we needed to go sit in our rooms and process everything that's happened in the last couple weeks.

I'm really just upset over losing Nad. He was my best friend. We did everything together, told each other everything, and we were even close enough to have those deep talks at 1 am.

As I continued through the cafeteria, I saw the memorial Meme set up. Everybody had one, except for Nadwe and Woolf. We should make ones for them soon, once we've slept - which I honestly doubt we'll be able to do any time soon.

I finally made it to my room and collapsed on my bed.

Right next to where Nad's old bed is.

When I looked at Nad's bed though, it had something in it that I didn't remember being there before. I sat up and leaned over, seeing that it was a piece of paper. In black sharpie, it read:

"Don't worry
I'm ok
We're ghosts"

Below that was a very messy drawing of a top hat.


ty guys for sticking around ! any questions you have leave them in comments ill be making a long a/n clearing things uppppppp

I WAS GONNA HAVE A REAL PHOTO OF THE NOTE BUT MY SERVICE AT CAMP IS DO BAD IT WONT UPLOSD... if someone reminds me next week i'll attach it, ill also post it in the foolish hangout

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