3 - Nightmares Ruin Your Day Before it Starts

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***** = imposter 1/the girl imposter/&):^~*
##### = imposter 2/the boy imposter/£~^€]>

and i'm not gonna pay any time to disposing the bodies soo pretend they get rid of them somehow.

and the girl imposter is disguised as a guy

also dreams/flashbacks are in italics

Unknown Pov


After I finally squeezed through the airlock behind &):^~*, I blinked and looked at her. She seemed to be examining surroundings- That's what I should be doing too, then. Right.

I heard a faint gasp from my right. I turned my head to see what it was, but only saw the outline of a person before they ducked away.

&):^~* looked at me, as if asking where I'm going. I shrugged and gestured to her, and then to where I saw the figure. I can find my own victim this time.

She smiled and mouthed something, but I didn't catch what. She then dashed off to the figure.

I took a breath. Okay, now I don't have to worry about her. I confidently started walking in the opposite direction from her.

I walked down a hall for a bit until I saw some lights going off in one of the rooms. I turned my head and looked, but nobody was there. I stepped closer, noticing a control panel. It must be on autopilot.

I stopped and smelled the air for any scent of life. I'm nowhere near as good as scenting as &):^~*, but I won't get better if I don't practice. I picked up on a faint scent leading to my right.

It was either faint because the person covered it up, or it was old. I assumed it was old, because why would a human cover their scent up?

I followed it anyway, finding my way into a storage room filled with boxes. The scent suddenly got much stronger, so I froze. Is somebody in here?

I listened and smelled again. Not only did I smell life near, but I heard the soft sound of something hitting the ground.

I dashed to the other side of the room so I could get a good look at whatever human this was. I will admit, I was nervous. Last time, &):^~* got the kill for me. I've never done this before. But I know I can. For my universe, for me, for &):^~*, for my planet, and for H.I.T.O.

I don't think the human saw me in the dark. Do I really blend in that well? Maybe it's blind.

I took a deep breath before launching my tail forward. It wrapped around the human's waist in an instant, trapping it. The human let out a sound of surprise as I pulled it toward me.

The human laid eyes on me in shock. I couldn't see the face it made, but it froze, so I assumed it was shocked.

It didn't say anything, so neither did I. I lifted it up with my tail and slammed it into the wall. I couldn't tell if that did sufficient damage or not, so to be safe, I unwrapped my tail and plunged the sharp end through the human's stomach. It didn't go in cleanly, due to the human's clothing, but it stabbed in after a good push.

The human gasped out and grabbed onto my tail, trying to yank it out, but it couldn't. Fingers still wrapped around my tail, the human went limp.


Tbh Pov

I woke up in a cold sweat.

That nightmare was terrifying. Who was that dark figure with the tail? Did they kill...? The blood at the end of the dream made me want to throw up and die at the same time.

I rolled out of bed and messed with my hair in the mirror on my nightstand. I don't look too good... I definitely didn't get enough sleep. I don't think anybody will tonight. Everyone is upset about Joocie, upset that Oof did it. And so am I, honestly. How could I not be scared that theres a person here that I've known for years who had the guts to kill one of us?

I looked at the clock. 5:30 am.

I walked out of my room, finding the place empty and quiet. I sighed and started walking down to electrical. I still have, like, 3 tasks there. After that, though, I'm done.

I walked through the electrical door. The lights were off, probably because it was so early.

I walked behind the electric box and start on my nearest task. Just as I start, I hear metal clanking. I look up from my task at where it came from, but I see nothing in the dark. I squint and decide I'm hearing things. I wouldn't doubt it, seeing that I'm the only one who heard all the yelling the other night...

But once I went back to my task, I heard steps coming from my side. I looked over, but this time, I actually saw somebody. It's *******.

"Tbh, what are you doing up so late?" ****** asked.

"Hi, ****. I couldn't sleep," I frowned. I was too tired to question where he came from.

"Oh, that sucks." He replied, still standing creepily behind me.

"... Why are you up?" I asked him, finishing

"Oh, I couldn't sleep either," ****** replied. "Yeah."

"Okay... You got tasks, too?" I asked, getting more and more creeped out.

"Yeah..." He stared at me awkwardly. "You know what? I'm not gonna drag this out any longer." He sighed.

"Drag what o-"

And that was all she wrote.


Meme Pov

I woke up with that terrible feeling in my chest. You know, the feeling that there's 3 dumbells balancing on your heart? I think it's called dread, but I'm not sure.

I got out of my bed and looked at my clock. 7 am.

I took a deep breath and after I got dressed and ready, I headed out of my room for the day. I walked down into cafeteria and found Blaza and Laff talking.

"Morning, guys," I waved to them.

"Morning," Blaza waved.

"You two are up early," I remarked.

"Just being efficient," Laff shrugged.

Suddenly, Dino came running into the cafeteria and slammed his hand down on the emergency meeting button.

I ran up to him, Blaza following. Laff was slower to follow.

"What's wrong?" Blaza was the first to ask.

"Tbh is dead in electrical," Dino said, visibly horrified. "It wasn't Oof. We were wrong."



SPRRY TBH FANS BUT HES NOT GONE FOR GOOD!!! SAME WITH OOF (but not in the same way) (youll see next chapter 😈😈😈)


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