2 - Completely Sure

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Muffin Pov


"I saw Oof and Joocie go down together," Socks explained once he calmed down. "I found Joocie in comms." I knew this was all true. It lined up perfectly with what Nadwe and I watched on the security cameras.

"It must have been Oof," Laff jumped in. "I was in storage and he never came in."

Oof shuddered for a second before replying, "What? Laff, no, you must have seen me- Joocie went down into comms, I went to storage. You came in later. I even said hi!" Oof countered.

"Oof, you're lyin'. I went straight down to storage and did my gas task. You'se were never there." Laff said calmly. "Oof must have done it."

Nadwe and I exchanged glances, After they left navigation hallway, we hadn't seen anything on the cameras. We couldn't tell what happened.

"Socks, where were you leading up to finding Joocie?" Woolf asked. "Not accusing you, but we should know."

"Right, I was talking with Laff and Tbh." Socks nodded. "On asteroids."

"Wasn't Laff in storage?" Woolf asked, confused.

"He went down, like he said. I do believe it was Oof," Socks said hesitantly.

"And where did Tbh go?" Woolf asked.

"I went to navigation," Tbh answered for Socks. It was more of a question for him anyway...

"Yeah, I can back that up. I saw him go there on the cameras." I nodded. "Sooo... That leaves you, Oof."

"No, guys, what?! Why would I kill Joocie?!" Oof said, near tears.

"Oof, who else could it be?" Nadwe said, hesitance and sadness in his voice. "I really want to believe you, Oof. I do. But everything is kind of stacked against you... And, not to mention, Muffin and I were on cams. Everything adds up." Nadwe frowned.

"I think Laff did it," Oof concluded. "He came into storage later, he left Socks earlier... There was a big enough gap of time-" Oof said, voice shaky and nervous.

"I think we should cast a vote," Laff concluded.

"Yeah. Good idea," Blaza nodded.

"Vote for what?" Meme asked.

"Who it is," Laff said, "and whoever gets the most votes is thrown out the airlock."

"What?!" Oof said, becoming visibly pale.

Socks sighed. "I agree. We can't keep a murderer here."

"No, guys. What can I do to prove it wasn't me!? I'll do anything!" Oof became desperate.

"Theres nothing you'se can do, Oof. I'm sorry." Laff said.

"And you guys are completely sure that Oof did this...?" Dino asked. "What if it was someone else?"

"Yeah. I never thought I'd agree with a furry, but this is kind of far. Our only proof is by a few coincidences and here-say." Woolf agreed. Dino didn't bother to be offended with the furry joke.

"I dont want to wait around until he kills another person," Tbh said.

"Agreed," Blaza said.

"Please, it wasn't me! It was Laff!" Oof shouted.

"Raise your hand if you want to vote Oof out." Laff said calmly.

Memegod, Blaza, Socks, Nadwe, Tbh, Laff and I all raised our hands.

Only Dino, Woolf, and Oof himself didn't.

  "Someone get him out the airlock," Laff said.


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