12 - Onto Something

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Tbh Pov (ghost)

Shit. I can't let him in there.

I haven't used any of my energy to interact with them yet, so I have it built up. Hopefully I can do this.

I pulled myself together and tried to summon all of my strength to close that damn door. I stood inside the room and clawed both of the doors shut. It was extremely hard to do, speaking that my claws went right through the doors. Though, I felt it working just a little. Enough to give me hope.

As I continued, Dino approached from medbay hallway. "What are you doing?" Dino asked.

"Hes about to get in here and hide •••••'s body," I replied. (a/n: •••••••• is a crewmate, revealed by the end of the chapter)

"Oh no," Dino said. "Here," Dino offered, also trying to yank the electrical doors shut. Once he joined, it was easy. The doors whooshed closed, louder than usual since it was by force instead of being controlled by a device. When I looked up, it was almost like he was looking at us, not the door.

I watched his face twist in anger and frustration.


Nadwe Pov

I immediately stepped away. "What the hell," I said, feeling nauseous.

"What is it?" Muffin asked.

"Dude- That's Laff's body." I said, processing.

"What?" Muffin questioned.

Without another word, I pulled out the device Socks had previously coded to have a "dead body report" function. I clicked around and found the button, sounding an alarm throughout the ship.

I looked up at Muffin, who was still just standing there looking confused. "Come on," I said, starting to walk up storage to the cafeteria. I was in a rush to get away from this scene.

When I got to the table, Memey was already there. He looked afraid, probably fearing somebody else had died.

After Muffin and I awkwardly went up to the table, Blaza walked in from medbay hallway.

I waited another moment in awkward silence waiting for Woolf, but he never turned up. The others probably assumed he was the one I found the body of.

"Who found the body?" Blaza asked, seeming serious, like he wants to do the detective work.

"Muffin and I. Well, really just me, but Muffin was there." I said.

"... How does that work??" Blaza asked.

"I tried to do my garbage chute task, but it was clogged. I opened it to fix it, and there was a body inside." I explained. "Muffin was doing the gas task, he didn't really see."

"Wait, wait. I'm confused. Who's body was it?" Blaza asked.

"Oh. I should have started with this- It was Laff." I said.

"What?!" Blaza blurted out.

"I don't understand how, but Laff's body was stuffed in the garbage chute," I said, feeling sick just thinking about how cruelly he was shoved inside, no dignity.

"Wait, if you didn't find Woolfster... Where is he?" Meme asked.

"Oh, shit, yeah, we should go look for him." Muffin said.

My mind went straight to the worst possible scenarios. Woolf is probably dead somewhere, maybe even hidden like Laff was.

"I'll check the upper left," Blaza said quickly.

"Okay, I can check lower left, then." I decided. "Meme, upper right, and Muffin, lower right." They both nodded in agreement.

It felt weird kind of being in charge, but when Meme and Blaza are such big suspects, we can't have either of them lead us, and Woolf has just been so fucked recently. I'm a few months older than Muffin, so I ended up in charge, I guess.

I started heading down into the lower left of the ship. It felt wrong going without Muffin, but it's okay. We need to find Woolf (or his corpse) as fast as possible, before any evidence can be hidden.

I looked around in the hallway of reactor and security first. Blaza was up in medbay hallway, I could hear him. As I stepped inside reactor and started looking under the machinery, I thought about who it could be.

Woolf, Muffin and I are all basically cleared. That leaves Meme and Blaza, of course. Let's just say Woolf is dead. Where would Blaza and Meme have been?

Well, I saw Meme setting up the memorials. Muffin and I both saw that. He wouldn't have had a lot of time inbetween there to go and kill anybody... I mean, maybe Woolf was dead before I found Laff. I guess the memorial could help his case, but not entirely clear him.

I finished checking through reactor and headed into security. I looked under the desk, behind the monitors... There wasn't really anywhere to look.

As I started to leave security, I heard a door close somewhere in the direction of medbay. With my increasing worry and suspicion of Blaza, I decided to go check out what was happening.

I just peeked around the corner, seeing Blaza standing there with a device. I didn't recognize it, but it looked like a fancier version of what we all have for body reports, earth communication, and other stuff. The medbay door was closed in front of him, and he was clicking around on the device. He even looked a little frustrated, as if the device wasn't doing what he wanted.

Suddenly, he snapped his head up at me. I jumped back around the corner. How did he know I was there? I don't think I made any noise, and I only peeked enough to see. Only half of my head was around the corner.

"Nadwe?" I heard Blaza call.

I didn't reply.

"Nadwe, I know you're there. What's up?" Blaza asked. I heard his footsteps approaching.

Well. I'm exposed. "Nothing, I just wanted to see why doors were closing," I said nervously, stepping out from around the corner. I felt myself sweating, anxiety rising. This was the person I was pretty sure had killed so many of my crewmates and friends.

"Yeah, I don't know why it closed. I was trying to get it open again," Blaza said calmly.

A disgusting feeling pulled at my heart and arms. As if a cold hand reached into my chest, yanked my heart out, and squeezed it until it popped, as if some scaly hands were pulling me back by my forearms. This felt wrong. Everything about this was wrong.

Suddenly, I was 100% sure.

Blaza must be the imposter.

"Well, man. That sucks. I don't really know how to help," I replied, trying to be smooth. Anxiety coated my voice like thick honey. My hands were shaking in my pockets.

I gotta get out of here.

"I'm gonna head back down and keep looking," I said.

Blaza reached forward and grabbed my arm before I could leave. "Nadwe, you think it's me, don't you?" He said, tone suddenly completely shifted.

"Well, you- I don't know," I said. "Blaza, you're scaring me."

"Good." His grip tightened on my arm.


1254 words!!

wowee guys!' this chapter took a while sorry i wasnt sure how i wanted to end it!!!!

the end is near <3

ty guys for all the support youre literally the best n i love reading ur comments!

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