a kingfisher | chapter one

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULa kingfisher | chapter one

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a kingfisher | chapter one

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULa kingfisher | chapter one

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it is the family crest, my lady

THE WATER ROCKED THE SHIP TO-AND-FRO, not helping Clarissa’s unnerved stomach

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THE WATER ROCKED THE SHIP TO-AND-FRO, not helping Clarissa’s unnerved stomach. She had ascended to the deck, hoping the source of the motion would ease her nausea, but it only made it worse. Seeing the wooden flanks getting knocked about so easily was enough for her to believe they may drown at any moment. Although, maybe, that was a blessing in disguise. Having been sold like mere cattle to an Earl from England had not been planned, or at least not by her, she supposed it had been by her brother. She had never even met the man she was to marry till the wedding. That was not to say he was terrible looking, he was rather handsome, but that didn’t disregard the fact that it hadn’t been her choice.

Since the wedding, she’d seen her husband only three times. Each time, he either didn’t have a lot to say or was in a rush. Clarissa, of course, understood that an Earl’s life was most likely busy with paperwork and other such business, but she would like to have one conversation with the person she is meant to spend the rest of her life with. Even just to understand what one of his hobbies is or what he likes to do when he is not signing documents would be enough to settle her nerves. Although, since they’d started their journey across the English Channel, he’d been tucked away in his personal study while she’d been left to her own devices. But on a ship like this, the best she could do is puzzles, and even those were becoming boring.

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