married | chapter two

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULmarried | chapter two

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married | chapter two

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULmarried | chapter two

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an earl's life never seems to stop


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CLARISSA DIDN'T THINK HER CORSET COULD'VE been tighter. She tried to inch herself a little to the left and she seemed to be trapped, barely enough space under her gown for a deep breath. She was trying not to focus on it, however, but the rather obvious grimace on her face was enough for Ms. Thorpe to eye her with disdain across the entrance hall. She let out a quiet huff and settled herself in her place, instead staring up at the weaving staircase a few feet away from her, waiting for Earl Townsend to finally make an appearance.

There had been no need to try on any more gowns when she had reached her bed chambers after Lady Danbury’s visit; it seemed as Aliah and her maids had already chosen a dress for her to wear. It was a darker blue than the one she had been wearing before, glinting silver gems painted over the sleeves and down the ruffles in the skirt. She had also been introduced to the vast amounts of jewellery she now owned, Aliah having chosen a beautiful – and large – diamond necklace to drape around her neck and dangling, chandelier-like earrings to match. She hadn’t been given an explanation as to why she was not allowed to pick this time, but she realised when she finally saw Earl Townsend descending the staircase with his butler following a few paces behind.

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