amongst my ranks | chapter eighteen

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULamongst my ranks | chapter eighteen

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amongst my ranks | chapter eighteen

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULamongst my ranks | chapter eighteen

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no, you're penelope featherington

CLARISSA HAD NOT LEFT THE MANOR since seeing Eloise the other night

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CLARISSA HAD NOT LEFT THE MANOR since seeing Eloise the other night. She had attempted to, but she did not think she could face society in this state. A state of what could only be described as moping. She did not feel deserving of the state, especially since she had inflicted it on herself. She had been the one to lie and apologise to Eloise, and she had been the one to come to the decision that that was for the best. Had she not? The evening on the swings, the burning, setting sun, Eloise as quiet as could be; it was embedded in her mind, scratching into the back of her eyes as if it were an engraving. It made Clarissa toss and turn in her sleep.

If her lack of sleep was bad before, she had not fully estimated the extent of it, because now she did not believe she had slept a wink. Eloise’s look of hurt flashing every time she tried. Like some sort of punishment from God. Torture for the sin she had committed for even looking in Eloise’s direction in the first place. One part of her believed she deserved it, but the other was aching with pain, unable to withstand her own thoughts any longer.

She had not managed to leave her bed chambers the day before. Rupert had tried to visit her once, but he gave up as she remained silent, eyes staring at the canopy of her bed. She did not blame him, she would have given up on him just as easily. Aliah had come to fetch her for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and every time, she refused. Day turned to night and she still remained in bed, thoughts never stopping, heart always aching.

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