Grosvenor Square, 1813
Dearest reader,
the time has come to place our bets for the upcoming social season.
Consider the household of the Baron Featherington. Three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sows by their tasteless, tactl...
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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL the opera | chapter four
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“you seem more than pleasant”
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CLARISSA, FEELING LOST ONCE AGAIN, followed Eloise out into the Bridgerton’s entrance hall, seeing the girl begin to ascend the stairs with some confusion. She had been under the impression that they were going to go for a walk with a girl named Penelope, but Eloise didn’t seem to feel the same as her. That was made only clearer when Eloise stopped five stairs up, feeling watchful eyes on the back of her head, and turned to look down to where Clarissa awkwardly stood with her hands wringing together in front of her.
“You are aware that you do not have to still be here,” Eloise informed her, her tone a little awkward herself, but Clarissa was unsure if she had meant to be as blunt as she had been. After her previous nervousness in the drawing room, she was surprised by the frankness of the statement.
“Your mama said–” Clarissa began, feeling as if she was about to start stammering herself.
Eloise grimaced at her feet. “My mama was only trying to get us out of the room, I’m afraid,” she explained, making Clarissa feel a little stupid. She tried to stop the redness from reaching her face, knowing she would not be able to save herself after that. “My walk with Penelope is not till this afternoon,” Eloise continued, averting her eyes away from the girl. “I, uh… apologise.”