botticelli | chapter fourteen

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULbotticelli | chapter fourteen

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botticelli | chapter fourteen

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULbotticelli | chapter fourteen

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i would expect nothing less

CLARISSA WANDERED OUT FROM THE LIBRARY as the morning dwindled closer to noon, preparation for her and Rupet’s lunch underway in the kitchens, she was sure

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CLARISSA WANDERED OUT FROM THE LIBRARY as the morning dwindled closer to noon, preparation for her and Rupet’s lunch underway in the kitchens, she was sure. She had just finished yet another book, one, this time, about love. It had been an interesting read to say the least. Not one of her usual choices either, so much so that Aliah had questioned if she had meant to pick it up. It was a story of an unfortunate marriage between a Captain and a young girl and despite their differences – and the man’s disloyalty at times – they were able to live in love. Clarissa couldn’t help but feel familiar with the text as she saw herself and Rupert in the characters, however, she could not ever imagine true love appearing between them.

Moreover, Clarissa had finished the book in less than two days. While some chapters grew tiresome with the woman paying all the attention to her husband rather than to herself, she did enjoy the fact that the man saw her for more than just her beauty. This was not something she could contend to most men of the ton, from what she could understand. Not that it entirely mattered to her, since the ball at Batson House, Lady Whistledown had remarked on her yet again. Though, this time, rather kindly. She had spoken of her beauty and compassion. Clarissa felt both perturbed and unusually indebted to the anonymous scrawler.

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