beautiful | chapter nine

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULbeautiful | chapter nine

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beautiful | chapter nine

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULbeautiful | chapter nine

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because you are beautiful

VIOLET BRIDGERTON HAD SENT CLARISSA an invitation to join her and her family at the Grand Picnic that weekend and while, of course, Clarissa appreciated it greatly, she was unsure whether it was on Lady Bridgerton’s own whim or pushed by Eloise or...

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VIOLET BRIDGERTON HAD SENT CLARISSA an invitation to join her and her family at the Grand Picnic that weekend and while, of course, Clarissa appreciated it greatly, she was unsure whether it was on Lady Bridgerton’s own whim or pushed by Eloise or Lady Danbury. Either way, she was glad to be attending without her husband, but still with company.

She had not seen hide nor hair of Rupert since the other day in the conservatory; not at breakfast, not at dinner, not in his study, not in a single room of the manor. Clarissa believed he may have moved out altogether and she would be left unaware of it. After that night she had spent with Eloise, she had tried to forget about the unfortunate event that had led to it and that had left her feeling rather free. In fact, she planned Eloise to come over to the manor in the upcoming days so they may start the painting. The idea of it was enough to make her palms sweat, but that was yet another thing she was trying to forget about.

The day of the picnic was a nice one. The sun was watery, but present, above their heads as Clarissa sat with Eloise under the Bridgerton’s tent, both of them with their own pile of biscuits and cakes on a plate that Benedict has insisted they get before Gregory and Hyacinth stole them all. Clarissa had made sure to thank Lady Bridgerton for her invite, which Lady Bridgerton told her was not needed and they would be happy to accommodate her whenever needed.

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