frustratingly humble | chapter twelve

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULfrustratingly humble | chapter twelve

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frustratingly humble | chapter twelve

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULfrustratingly humble | chapter twelve

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a pleasure to properly meet you, rupert

CLARISSA FOUND HERSELF GETTING a restful sleep that night, either because she finally found a comfortable warmth beneath her bed sheets or because the lack of the adrenaline in her veins had tired her out, she was unsure

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CLARISSA FOUND HERSELF GETTING a restful sleep that night, either because she finally found a comfortable warmth beneath her bed sheets or because the lack of the adrenaline in her veins had tired her out, she was unsure. But she was glad to close her eyes when her head hit the pillow. She was even more glad when she awoke, expecting Aliah’s knock on her bedroom door to get her ready for the day, and it never came. She took that as her chance to sleep in, and she took that opportunity hastily. Unfortunately, all of that sleep and ability to forget the previous night’s events did not come without a price.

And that price had been to find Rupert stumbling into her bed chambers with a tray laden with an array of breakfast choices, the sound of the sudden appearance causing Clarissa to jump awake without much warning. The man looked more in his own thoughts, not even noticing that the girl had been awoken at all. He hurried across the room, placing the tray down on her bureau, adjusting the glasses and bowls and plates so it may look as presentable as he wanted it to be. When he turned back around, apparently planning to now awaken Clarissa, he got quite the surprise to see her sat up, eyes bleary as she stared him down with befuddlement.

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