damaged, ruined, exposed | chapter fifteen

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULdamaged, ruined, exposed | chapter fifteen

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damaged, ruined, exposed | chapter fifteen

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULdamaged, ruined, exposed | chapter fifteen

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yes, it's me, you brat

ELOISE HAD ALWAYS FOUND IT DIFFICULT to make friends, not at the fault of her own, of course, but others did not always match her sharp wit and strong opinions

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ELOISE HAD ALWAYS FOUND IT DIFFICULT to make friends, not at the fault of her own, of course, but others did not always match her sharp wit and strong opinions. She had met Pen when they were very young and since, they had not ever been entirely apart, so even if Penelope did not agree with her thoughts or rival her barbs of other debutantes on their promenades, Eloise did not mind a bit because she was comfortable. And that wasn’t to say she was uncomfortable around people she did not consider friends, but she did keep her guard up, she supposed. It was difficult for a person to be regarded as highly as a ‘friend’ in Eloise’s eyes.

And that was why Clarissa Townsend was such an enigma.

She had counted the days she had known the girl over and over in her head as she stared at her ceiling, waiting for sleep to consume her. But Clarissa Townsend had an odd way of bringing her nothing but restlessness. She had known her for a mere nine days and somehow the girl plagued nearly every one of her thoughts. It was frustrating that every time she picked up a book, not even given to her by Clarissa, her face appeared in her mind. Or that every time she passed the portraits done of her family on the stairs she wondered if they may be able to get them redone by Clarissa herself as she would find them a whole lot more enjoyable to look at if so. She had to physically shake her head to get the girl out of her head.

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