cruelty | chapter eleven

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YOUNG AND BEAUTIFULcruelty | chapter eleven

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cruelty | chapter eleven

“i suppose adultery is out of the question”

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i suppose adultery is out of the question

CLARISSA HAD TRIED TO TAKE A SEAT on the bench in the folly, tried to calm her boiling blood and the vein that was pulsating in her neck, but when she tried, she sprang back up immediately, unable to be still

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CLARISSA HAD TRIED TO TAKE A SEAT on the bench in the folly, tried to calm her boiling blood and the vein that was pulsating in her neck, but when she tried, she sprang back up immediately, unable to be still. Her entire body was buzzing, on fire, angry. She could see the manor from where she stood, the lake that was the length of the grounds twinkling in the moonlight, the lamps in the windows of the house reflecting unevenly in the waves. She had hoped noticing that would ease her rage, even the smallest bit, but she couldn’t find it in herself. She had been strong-willed far too much lately and she could feel herself exhausting.

He had taken advantage of her. That was the conclusion Clarissa had decided upon. He had deceived her, and her brother – but she didn’t care too much about him – and took her from her home, knowing she would be too stupid and oblivious to even begin to think of what he was doing in the privacy of his bed chambers. Unfortunately for him, he miscalculated. Clarissa wasn’t as stupid as he had first thought, nor was she the perfect, mild-mannered wife. She was out in public, in society, and she had figured it out for herself.

She wondered if the staff had come together back in the house, whispering and muttering about what had occurred. How she was not as idiotic as they all first decided upon her arrival. How, surprisingly, she had managed to work it out against better odds. Clarissa’s forehead creased, her palms aching at the strenuous effort she had taken to keep them in fists this whole time. Her mind felt heavy in her head, the lack of sleep from the last couple days was beginning to build up, but the fury raking through her was enough to keep her awake for an entire week if she so pleased. And at this rate, that might be the case. Her mind felt as if it was never going to shut down, never going to stop reeling over last week of events, searching her memories with Rupert for the signs she should have seen in the first place.

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