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" God, she has seen and struggled a lot. please let me be there when she's hurting and in times of defeat. guide me as I carry on her battles and invariably look out for her at times of her freedom. "

" she deserves more than what I wanted for her so I give my faith in you God to fulfill it. What you plan for her let me be there to support it. Amen. "


Aera's eyes cracked open, assaulted by a harsh sliver of sunlight piercing through the blinds. her head throbbed with a relentless beat, each pulse a painful reminder of last night's overindulgence. The room felt as if it were spinning, and her mouth was dry, a bitter taste lingering from too many shots of soju. Groaning, aera turned over to check her phone, only to see the time and realize with a jolt that she was supposed to be at the interview in fifteen minutes.

Panic surged through her foggy mind, adrenaline cutting through the haze of her hangover. She stumbled out of bed, tripping over clothes discarded haphazardly the night before. A glance in the mirror showed a disheveled mess: hair sticking up at odd angles, eyes bloodshot, and the bags under her eyes. There was no time for blaming herself. She straight up started moving so that she could have a presentable figure she could show in a few minutes.

what is happening to me?

Aera threw on the cleanest clothes she could find. She managed to tie her tie on the third attempt, though it hung slightly askew. Grabbing her keys and a piece of toast, she dashed out the door, her stomach churning with a mix of anxiety and leftover alcohol.

The world outside felt too bright, too loud. Each step towards the bus stop felt like a monumental effort, her legs heavy and uncoordinated. The bus was mercifully on time, but each jolt and stop added to her nausea. She spent the ride rehearsing answers to potential questions, though her thoughts were scattered.

Finally, She arrived at the office building, just in time. Taking a deep breath, Aera straightened her back and tried to compose herself. She walked in, head held high, determined to make the best impression possible despite the rough start to her day.

Fortunately, the interview appears to go well despite the feeling of nausea coming back and forth whenever she speaks. The interviewer told her to stay informing her she'd be back in a few minutes and she politely stayed.

She took this free time to wander her eyes around the place. from the exterior and interior itself, she knew that the company does an outstanding job handling what it owns. She wandered her eyes left to right, up and down, and not a single flaw could be seen. And just by the interview, she could already tell that their employees are tremendous.

The interviewer came back with a smile on her face, however, aera quickly noticed something seemed off but couldn't point out what it was. She hoped that It was the opposite of what she was assuming because the last thing she wanted to hear right now was to get rejected.

" Miss Park? " the interviewer called which sent a signal to aera to stand up. " yes? " aera answered.

" The CEO Mr. Lee, has taken a personal interest in this hiring process and wants to meet you today. He's available now if you are. "

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