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iris's pov:
     Walking down the street calms me, whether I'm angry, or upset, or having panic attacks the fresh air makes me feel free from all the problems. Living in New York has helped me a lot since you basically walk or take the subway to most of your destinations. I used to live in Los Angeles since I've started my acting career but more recently I have been focusing on my music and it has helped me a lot release all my built up feelings.
     My feelings are a hard thing for me to talk about with others, I mainly only tell my best friend Celeste but that's pretty much it. Ever since my break up with ex I've been writing so much about everything to the love to the heartbreak and everything in between.

Wind blowing through my hair as I try to hurry to my studio session with my producer to finish some of my songs up. As I open the door I'm meet with my manager which is a little strange but I greet her "Hello Grace, did I do something for you to be present today" I laughed a bit awkwardly. She usually doesn't come to my studio sessions so I'm a little off putted by this. I continued to walk up the stairs to the studio as she follows behind.

     Once getting inside and setting my stuff down I sat down and she sat across from me. Looking around awkwardly before speaking up lightly "okay Grace you are really freaking me out what's going on" I tried searching in her eyes for answers but nothing.

  Shifting slightly in my seat before she starts to speak up "Iris you are needed in Monaco for a meeting, I will be there as well and our flight leaves today after your studio session". Confusion washing over me it's the middle of January why would I need to go to Monaco, I don't even know anyone over there. Still confused before she starts to speak again "There is someone there that needs a little help with his reputation in the media and you could use a boost in yours before you release your album. So I have been talking to a manager of an f1 driver and it could be really good for you both to be in a "relationship" using air quotes around the relationship part.

     I laughed for a couple second before seeing she is dead serious. "You have to be joking right, you can't be serious. Why would I get into a PR relationship especially with someone I have no idea who he is". She tries to speak again before I cut her off  "This is a terrible idea you should tell whoever I said no, I don't want a boost in my career and I'm not here to play pretend a relationship with some guy".

    Shaking her head a bit before I hear "I already said yes and you can't back out we are going and it's only for a year, you go to some races are seen out together on some dates and boom done". Laughing again "This is for your career and his it's non negotiable it's happening, I'll be back to pick you up at 5pm to go to your house to get some stuff then we will be leaving to the airport". Rolling my eyes before agreeing quickly with annoyance in my voice which can be heard very clearly.

   It was currently 2pm so I have about 3ish hours to work on some stuff before I'm dragged against my will to this meeting, at least Monaco is pretty or what seems to be pretty it would be nice besides the meeting that will be taken place. I start working on the production of the music with my producer and we go all in for the next three hours.

     Looking at the clock realizing it's 5:10 and at this point I don't even care she is waiting for me downstairs it's not like I want this. I slowly gather my stuff before walking down the stairs and was greeted by her face almost immediately. I lightly smile before continuing to walk "Hey it won't be as bad as you think just relax I know its over whelming right now but I have heard he's actually really nice once he is comfortable with you" I heard form behind me. I shrug her off before getting into her car and we go to my house to gather everything.

      Once getting to the airport I quickly get settled into my seat before setting off to sleep for the rest of the flight. By the time we got there it was still dark outside so I just stayed awake till about 8am before I started to get ready. The meeting was at 10 so did light makeup and brushed out my hair. As I was getting dressed I heard a knock, walking towards the door and opening it seeing it was my manager letting her in while I finished up. Grabbing my purse quickly and walking out the door with her.

   Getting into the taxi "Hey be nice okay this is going to be good for you I promise" rolling my eyes at that last part of her sentence. In who's mind is this a good thing for me, I don't need to be in a PR relationship to hope my album does good or for me to boost my career I actually don't give a fuck I just want to make music that I enjoy and that represents me. Staring out the window of the car watching the buildings go by. It is very beautiful over here and the weather is very nice I have to say but doesn't make it any better that I'm signing my life away it feels like for the next year.

After the 15ish minute drive we arrive at the building, getting out of the car making our way up to the building. I loosely follow my manager cause I seriously would rather be doing anything else right now looking around at everything before my manager guides me into a room with 3 other men, I'm guessing one of them is the guy I will be with. I give them a small smile before sitting down across from the men.

    Sitting down not even a second later I heard a voice "Hello Iris I'm Max's manager, we have recently talked with your manager about a PR relationship with Max and We know you guys are both opposed to the idea but this will help you guys both tremendously". I heard ever word he said but I kept quite, ever since my break up with my previous boyfriend I tend to be more quite I just sit a nod. "Max here is an f1 driver who tends to get hated on by the media because he can be a little hot headed at times but he is great once you guys get to know each other, he too can be closed off like you can be I've heard but once everything works its self out i'm sure you guys can be friends after this". Looking over at I assume who is Max who I catch eye contact with before he quickly diverts his eyes back to his manager.

   "We have both of your contracts here for you to sign and we will go over some of the things in said contract". Being handed a contract that contains a few pages and quickly flipping through them while he gives us the key points of what is to go on in said "relationship". "A couple things that are important no one can know obviously, you guys will need to be seen together by fans or paparazzi at least 1-2 times a week, Iris will move in with Max and his daughter in Monaco, Iris will be needing to attend at least 20 out of the 24 grand prix this season, and lastly one of the main points is this relationship will last a year. That's just some of the main point a we can look at some of the smaller things later, now just sign at the bottom and we can get ready to get out of here".
     Quickly caught off guard with the move in situation when he finished talking I quickly responded "wait why am I moving in with him and his daughter, my work is in New York". I wanted to say more but I was already cut off from saying more.

     Max started speaking and you can tell he had an accent but it's not as thick as you would think "because my work is here even though I travel for work which now we both will be doing,  I have extra rooms you can set up a home studio in one of those" he said with agitation in his voice. I soon realized he is will be FUN to be around, I gave him a sarcastic smile before turning to the paper to sign.

After we both signed we were free to leave but we had to leave together and go to his home so he could show me around a bit. While we reached the front doors of the building where they brought his car to the front he gently placed his hand on my back surprising me but I let it go. I know Monaco is known for not having paparazzi but people could still be watching. Reaching his car he quickly opened the door for me to get in, once inside he shut the door before getting in on his side. Starting up his engine and quickly leaving the area.

wow oh wow imma try to have a chapter written before i upload another so i can try to stay consistent hopefully 🤞🏽idk we will see but im happy with how this turned out and longer that i used to write other stories i have made.

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