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iris's pov: six months, due date: 5-1-25
      Today I think I've bitten off more than I can chew, or that's what it feels like having so many things happen in one day. First today I had my appointment for the first time here in Monaco but thankfully they were coming to the house, then after Max and I were going to do the gender reveal with P, then even later Sophie was coming over to watch P while Max and I went to a New Year's eve Party. It all felt like a lot at least.

      First was my appointment here at the house we were going to do it in the living room, I was practically running around trying to make everything perfect making sure it wasn't dirty in the house when the doctor came.

      I think I stress myself out a little too much, Max found me using a lint roller trying to pick up as much cat hair as possible off the couches. Hearing him chuckle to himself as I glanced up at him then back to doing my task. In my peripherals I see him walk up to me "Baby please calm down, you can't be stressing a lot remember...I'm stressed just looking at you clean. The house is clean flower" he said as he picked me up off my knees to have me stand face to face with him.

     "But there is still cat hair everywhere love" I pouted at him as I glanced back behind at the couch seeing a couple spots. He just laughed a bit again at my need for it to be spotless.

     Feeling him set his hands on my shoulder as he lightly shook me "Flower we are okay, the doctor won't care about a little cat hair" he told me to try to calm me down. Falling limp in his arms on purpose as I give up as he catches me, not that I fell but all my weight was pushed into his chest. He laughed as he held me in his chest and kissed the crown of my head into my hair.

     Looking up at him as he leaned down to give me a peck on the lips then one on the cheek, but soon we heard a knock at the door. Breaking apart as we both walked to the front door as P ran out of her room to see who was here.

     Opening the door greeting the doctor as we guided her inside and to the living room. She set up quickly as I grabbed her a glass of water before I laid down so we can get started. I just hit six months today which was pretty exciting but I still have yet to show so my excitement deflates a bit.

     Getting started as we hooked the tv up to her monitor and equipment so everything was enlarged. Then soon feeling the familiar cold jelly on my stomach as she swishes it around as she got to work.

     Laying here for a while as we looked at the baby, but I was soon brought to tears as I heard the heartbeat of my baby, of our baby, a new addition to our family. Max smiling as he looked at the tv watching the baby as we looked at the 3d version as well. Feeling Max give my hand a squeeze and bring it up to his lips giving it a small kiss with a smile. P was sat on her father's lap as she watched in awe as well.

     After about an hour of the doctor here giving us more information on what to do and what not, then also the status of our child which she said was very healthy actually. But she still reminded me that I need to try to relax more due to my condition. She was going to be here for the rest of my pregnancy as well.


     The doctor had been gone for a while now, Max picked up the cake for us for the gender reveal for the three of us. I set up a couple of things, while he was gone P and I picked up some flowers that were down the street as well as a couple of other things that we needed from the store.

    Hearing Max open the door as he held the cake in on hand and more flowers in the other. Chuckling as I helped him with the cake setting it on the island in the kitchen. Seeing his face drop slightly seeing the flowers already in the vase. "Love you weren't supposed to buy yourself flowers" making me giggle but soon reassuring him that his are much better which made him smile again.

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