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iris's pov:
     Currently in the studio watching the clock go by, ticking away waiting for it to hit 1pm since Celeste said she would come around that time. Working on some new music I have been writing a lot recently, having a couple of songs written down ready to record and find the melody and beat to the song with my producer. Getting distracted for a second as we focused on some of my isolated vocals and the layering of them to harmonize with each other.

      Caught off guard by a hand grazing my back, immediately turning around to be greeted by my best friend. I've called her a couple times since moving but we both have seem so busy it can be hard sometimes especially with all the different time differences. Standing up as fast as I could giving Celeste the tightest hug ever before releasing her from my death grip of a hug.

Immediately starting up a conversation "Lest I seriously miss you so much the few phone calls are depressing. Come to the Miami Gp with me please" I told her extending my please to hopefully get her to give in. Laughing at my begging she agreed only if she gets to meet Max and Poppy today.

Sending Max a text telling him that he is welcome to the studio and so is P if they wanted to come. Even if they didn't show which I highly doubt he won't she said she would come back to my apartment later if they didn't so she can meet them.

We started working on some music once more chit chatting and catching up about some more recent things. "So you and Max are serious serious huh " I heard her voice say out of the blue. Turning around in the swivel chair to give her my attention as I shyly smile.

"I wouldn't say we are super serious right now we are getting there though I don't know yet. But I know Poppy wants it to be a very permanent thing asking me if I can be her mom, which I wouldn't mind in all honesty but not now, definitely not now it's way to early for that" awkwardly laughing the last part.

Listening attentively seeing Lest nod her head as I spoke. As I finished up the last part she began to give her input "Well if that's what you want Iris then if it makes you happy that's all that matters. Just be careful okay I know you have a tendency to fall a little fast sometimes..." she paused for a couple of seconds before continuing "prime example your ex, you fell so hard you were shattered after things ended between you two even though he was a dupshit". She laughed out the last part making me laugh softly as well but cringing at the thought and mention of my piece of shit ex.

As she finished up her advice for me we heard the door open, looking over seeing the small child glancing around at the new environment. She soon spotted me sitting in my chair near Lest and the equipment before sprinting over to give me a hug, Max soon followed behind. Giving her the biggest squeeze once she landed in my arms, picking her up placing her on my lap as I introduced her to Celeste. Max made it to the both of us standing behind me as I had his daughter in my lap, looking up at him from sitting down on the chair he dipped his head down giving me a small kiss before shaking hands with Celeste and introducing himself.

Getting shy at the sight of a new person before P spoke quietly to the both of us "She is really pretty like you Riri, you have really pretty friends" making us laugh as she curled up into my arms.

All of us ended up talking for a while as I showed P some of the equipment and a little snippet of a couple of songs I have been working on. One of them was the one Max walked in on me writing a couple weeks back MAke you mine and I showed her another called espresso. She approved of both for me making me laugh.

Asking Max what had he done today, his answers were pretty simple "Walked around central park to feed some ducks and play a little to get the little one's energy out" making me giggle.

Almost forgetting I asked Max quickly "Hey do you think Celeste can join us at the Miami Gp" he quickly agreed and told me she should fly with us as well tomorrow afternoon. Celeste smiling at the both of us, deep down I hope she approves of him since she is one of the most important people in my life.

Soon deciding to leave I have a hug to Lest and so did P while Max gave her a side hug as we walked out of the building to go back to apartment.

Walking inside texting Lest that I got home safe and to be ready to be picked up at 4pm tomorrow for the flight to Miami. She quickly responded with an okay and see you soon.

Setting my phone down getting ready for bed as did Max, coming inside the bathroom when I'm done changing waiting for me to apply moisturizer to my face and now his face making me laugh. Doing so then giving him a peck on the nose and finishing up the rest of my routine


@ celestemartin

instagram: @ celestemartin

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@ irishope

@ irishope

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@ f1news

likes: irishope, 204,682 others @ f1news: Max seen out in central park today, a couple days before the Miami Gpcomments:user1: do i need to say this again

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likes: irishope, 204,682 others
@ f1news: Max seen out in central park today, a couple days before the Miami Gp
user1: do i need to say this again. THANK YOU IRIS FOR NO MORE SKINNY JEANS
irishope: your welcome LMFAOOO BYEEEEE. isn't he hotter without skinny jeans. I mean LETS ASK THE AUDIENCE 🤲🏻
user2: she really upgraded him.
user3: i fear i may have a crush on max now. how dare you iris!!
irishope: it's not my fault, he just needed some new jeans...he has always been hot 🤷🏻‍♀️
user4: bye she is so funny
user5: wait she may be my new favorite wag

now you know 2 songs 🙈

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