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tw: mention of SA later in the chapter, during iris's pov

max's pov:
     After she hung up the phone I just sat in silence for a while looking at all the little things around the room that remind me of her. She likes to keep her at home glasses on the night stand next to the picture frame of the three of us. Looking around catching a glimpse of her shoes in the corner, along with her favorite shirt of mines laying across a chair.

Looking around some more seeing a couple more things before I ran my hands across my face but I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Getting up from my bed making my way towards the door as P stands there waiting to see who it was, opening it to see it was Charles standing on the other side. I was definitely confused but I let him inside anyways.

      P followed us to the couch as we sat down across from each other while she sat really close to Charles. "Uncle Charlie, what are you doing here" she asked her honorary uncle.

     He laughed at her question especially with such close proximity they are. I smiled at her as Charles answered her question "I'm here to talk to your daddy, is that okay P". She nodded at him as she gave him a hug as he returned the hug immediately back.

     "Okay flower go play for a bit while Uncle Charles and I talk" she ran off to her room probably to craft something since right now she had been in a phase of making something for someone everytime they come over.

      Once I saw P was out of sight "What's up, did something happen... are you and alex okay" I question him since his appearance at my house was unknown and random.

     "No but I'm actually here to talk about you and Iris" he began talking as my face dropped a bit. He could tell but after seeing my reaction he continued "She came over yesterday and now you know she is back in the states hopefully you knew the last part" I nodded not really knowing how to respond to him.

     "Anyways, she told me she is expecting and that you have been pushing her away. I need to know why, you seemed so in love with her why are you pushing one of the good things in your life. I mean I definitely have a really strong guess on why but I need to hear it from your mouth." he said the last part pretty sternly as he pointed at me.

    Opening my mouth then closed it trying to find words to even describe why I'm being a dick but ultimately anything I say will sound stupid.

     Finally finding even something to say "I know I'm being a dick. Which she deserves non of no matter the reason. But I don't know how to cope with what happened when P's mother passed during child labor" I told him as he just nodded his head hearing every word that I'm saying. "And to think that Iris has preeclampsia now and she is stressed which isn't good for the baby, I guess I'm just worried and I know it's all my fault".

"Hey well we talked with her yesterday, she is upset but I know she will forgive you. But you need to let whatever that happened in the past go. Don't let the past ruin the good you have now" he told me some advice before he continued "I want what's best for the both of you but you need to understand that what your doing is tearing her apart when you can just tell her the truth and she will understand".

     I occasionally nodded my head at some of the things he has told me but after he finished I looked down at my hands and fidgeted with them out of nervousness "But what if she doesn't Charles" I spoke out softly scared to even say it basically.

     "Max you need to get your head out of your ass. She will okay it's not like you cheated or anything, you couldn't have prevented what happened. She won't be upset, telling her will only make her see and try to forgive your reaction to this whole thing. I love the both of you, you guys are to good together in fact perfect for each other, both don't let it be ruined by your own fears" he spoke his mind but not in a I know everything way, but a I'm trying to help the both of you type of way.

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