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max's pov:
It's the day of the race and I seriously can't get enough of Iris right now after that kiss I was obsessed to say the least. Getting to the paddock P wanted Ris to carry her to Uncle Charles garage to wish him good luck. Walking them to Ferrari's garage giving Poppy a quick kiss on the cheek then Iris a quick peck before walking to my garage to get ready for the race today.

iris's pov:
After the kiss Max seems to want them every second of the day which made me laugh mentally but also smile to myself about it frequently. I was soon walking into Ferrari's garage since P wanted to see Charles before the race, we said goodbye to Max seeing him walk away towards his garage after dropping us off then soon walking into the garage together. Saying Hi to Fred as we passed him before we met up with Alex.

Alex is literally one of the most sweet genuine human beings on planet earth, talking with her knowing that I have at least one friend here no matter what made me happy. Seeing Charles walk up to us after a couple of minutes of talking with Alex. P practically jumped out of my arms to run to Charles. Seeing him sweep P off the ground cradling her as he tickled her hearing her laughs throughout the whole garage.

Charles soon carried her normal finally after P's laughter subsided then hearing her speak up "Uncle Charles I wanted to wish you luck on the race today" making Alex's heart melt as Poppy gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Charles soon thanked her "Thank you P that means a lot, hopefully one of these races I can beat your daddy" which made P have a laughing session.

"No Uncles Charles daddy needs to win all the races this year" she laughed out to him which made him laugh as well shaking his head. Giving her a kiss on the head then setting her down so she can stand. He took her around the garage to show her around as he left Alex and I to talk.

"How are you and Max" Alex asked me curiously. Turing towards her to give her all my attention as P is safe with Charles.

"We are really good, we had a small miscommunication in Australia. Everything is good now though, He brought us here early instead of going back home then here since I told him over a month ago that this has been a place I always wanted to travel to" telling Alex as she listened attentively to me speak.

Finishing up my answer seeing Alex nod at my words "That's really good everything is about communication, and that's good you guys talked it out and if you guys apologize and work on it going forward all should be good" she responded. Looking around seeing a camera pointed in our direction as we smiled softly at it before continuing our conversation.

"Yeah so what's new with you and Charles are you guys good" asking her the same question she did to me. Her eyes lights by up at the mention of Charles.

     "Yes we are actually looking to get a small dog right now, taking that next small step in our relationship" she told me with excitement seeping through her voice.

    Conversations continued for the next several minutes. Charles walking up with Poppy once more saying he has to start doing his warmups. Taking Poppy's hand as we waved them goodbye then walking over to Mclaren's garage to see if Lando is available for a couple of seconds since P also wanted to wish him luck.

    Walking inside seeing Oscar as Poppy gave him a quick hug and good luck then continuing walking down soon met by the curly headed man. P jumping up and down at Landon's feet as we approached him making him laugh. "Uncle Lan good luck on today's race, but don't beat my daddy" which made him laugh even more than before.

    "One day I will P, one day but I'll try not to today just for you" he told her as he bent down to her level. Making her smile out about Lando telling her he won't beat her dad at today's race.

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