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max's pov:
     The Canadian Gp was here, Canada is always a fun track and this weekend rain fall was expected. It's been about a week since asking out Iris and all I feel is pure bliss. Being over the moon anytime we are together, even hearing P call her mum makes me smile. I want this forever I don't think I have found someone ever like her and in a such inconvenient circumstance.

    I love all the little things Iris does, during race day she always kisses the three little stars on the back of my helmet before I get into the car. Her favorite place to kiss me is on my freckle that is on the edge of my lip. Just letting myself enjoy her as a whole and not letting my mind get in the way of what's good for me. Waking up next to her every morning is something I wouldn't want to change.

Today was free practice which more recently Ris and P haven't been coming to, since they would rather explore the city we are in at the moment which I don't mind at all it's nice for them to get out and see the world. P has been very clingy to Iris more recently especially with the whole new mum thing which Iris has been taking amazingly. I want a future with Iris even if we are early in our relationship I've never felt this much for anyone in this way.

Walking into the Paddock to the garage passing my by a couple fans signing whatever they wanted or taking pictures with them. Entering the garage shortly after seeing my father, rolling my eyes as I see him mentally cursing the myself why he always shows up when I'm in a good mood. Walking into my drivers room to avoid him but ultimately he makes it into the room before I can lock the door.

"So that girl isn't with you today which is a good sign" he spoke out to me making me shake my head in response but not even actually responding back as I put some stuff down. Hearing his voice once more "Did you guys break up finally" he asked me with almost a hint of excitement in his voice.

    Just staring down as I put some of my stuff in certain places responding to him finally but not even looking in his direction "No she is out with P exploring Canada, not that you would care". Continuing moving some stuff around and filling up my water bottle in the corner of my eyes seeing him sit down on the couch.

    "Well should you even trust her with your daughter Max, you have only been dating for what like five maybe six months" Beginning to get angry at his words but trying to suppress the feeling by just not responding. "Well Max should she be trusted" he asked once more.

     Finally giving into him knowing he is waiting for a response back from me "Yes, she is amazing with P, P loves her with all her heart and she sees her as a mum which is great. Can you talk to me about anything besides my girlfriend for once, ever since the season has started all I hear is how you disapprove of her. I don't care if you don't like her I'm an adult, she is P's mum she cares for her as a mum and in fact Poppy calls her mum" I finally yelled back at him hoping that finally he would shut up about the situation. I would rather him yell at me about racing than about him constantly bringing her up and practically bashing her every chance he gets.

Finally seeing him go silent before getting up and leaving the room, before he closed the door I heard him speak one last time "I'm just warning you about her. When have I ever been wrong Max" in a monotone voice. Closing the door behind him seeing him leave waiting a couple of seconds before letting out a frustrated groan.

Changing into my race suit letting his words linger in the back of my mind for the rest of free practice for today.

Getting into the car still thinking about his words. I have no doubts about Iris but he always seems to make his way into my head no matter what. Ever since I was a kid he would tell me corrections about my racing and most of the time he was correct, was he nice about it...never but he wasn't wrong.

I hate when he gets into my mind every single time I just hear his voice echo throughout my head. Finishing free practice up walking back to my drivers room to change quickly making eye contact with my father before seeing him leave without saying a word.

Feeling my breathing become more erratic knowing what would come next, I need Iris. Quickly grabbing my stuff heading to the car having my driver hurry back to the hotel. Sitting in the car was dreadful enough but to make matters worse there was pretty heavy traffic on the way out. I feel it approaching, the lump in my throat appearing... I need to get to Iris, I need to control myself as much as I can before I break.

Finally reaching the hotel, running out of the car past several people to the elevator. Hurriedly pushing the button to my floor multiple times then the button to close the doors quickly, rushing as much as I could back to Iris. This elevator is taking fucking forever I thought to myself running my hands through my hair pulling at it a bit. Hearing a ding that pulled me out of my trance before running to my room.

Tapping the card on the door as fast as I could opening the door and throwing my stuff in the corner before I was met with Iris's concerned face immediately since the sudden noise of the door and my stuff hitting the floor. My eyes meeting hers before I broke finally, walking to her with tears threatening to leave my eyes as I reached her body and hugged her like my life depended on it.

Hearing her voice in my ear as I put my head in the crook of her neck my breathing still erratic maybe even becoming worse. "Shhhh it's okay, P is napping in the other room, you are okay love" I heard her sweet voice talk softly to me. Wanting to calm down but my mind and heart won't let me. "Max you need to breathe okay" she told me but her voice was starting to be muffled out for some reason.

Feeling my body have a tingling sensation, I need to sit down. I thought it but Iris guided me against the wall so I could sit on the floor and lean against it. I hear her but I can't make out any words.

Feeling her grab my hand and placing it on her chest to be able to feel her breath even though I couldn't hear her tell me that but I knew what she meant. Felling her chest rise and fall with every breath, trying to match her but it's so hard but it is working I can hear her voice once more. "Max breath for me baby, you are okay love. I'm right here for you just copy my breathing okay" I heard her say. Still feeling her breath under my touch starting to match her breathing better.

Finally coming down a bit enough to where I can talk "I'm sorry flower, my dad was at the paddock today, he said some shit but he always finds a way into my head no matter what. I'll always hear his voice in my mind and I just want it gone" I spoke to her with a hint of frustration and sadness heard in my voice as I spoke.

"Max please don't be sorry, I'm glad you came to me and trusted me to help you. I know he will always come back around no matter what but we need to not pay any mind to him. That is what he wants he wants, your attention because it feels like it gives him power over you" she spoke to me in a caring manner. Nodding my head softly at her before grabbing her two hands and giving her palms a kiss before pulling her forward giving her a gentle kiss on her lips.

      "We should order some dinner and wake up P before she doesn't sleep all night and keeps us up" I laughed out to her trying to lighten the mood a bit. Seeing her nod her head in agreement at me as we went to the bed to look over the menu for room service. Sitting down on the bed first as Iris sat next to me placing her legs going across mine horizontally as we looked through the menu.

     Deciding on what we would get and to get P for dinner before we placed the order. Waking up P after so she can get ready for dinner as well as we watched a movie waiting for the food.

sorry for the delay.... it took me a while on this chapter for some reason idk why.

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