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iris's pov:
A couple of days have passed and I have been non stop packing, the only time I'm not packing is when I am eating or in the studio. I messaged my manager I was done packing faster than I thought and she can book my flight and for my stuff to get shipped to Max's.

I can't lie I was missing P a lot, Max had facetime me everyday that I have been gone just so P and I can talk. She is the funniest thing in the world never failing to make me laugh and telling me how much she misses me. Max and I would talk briefly just mainly consisting of how was my packing going and just little updates before we would say goodbye and hang up the phone. I can tell he is still closed off but you can see the effort there which is all someone can ask for, same with me I'm still closed off with him for the most part.
     At about 8pm the movers came and took most of my things which mainly consisted of clothes and some other things such as my guitar and microphone and other things that will help me with the album. After they took everything my house felt empty, yes there was still furniture and decor but I won't see this place for I don't know how long. I made my dinner and ate at the table while on facetime with Celeste before heading off to bed.

next morning.....5am

        Phone blaring it feels like with an incoming phone call, picking up my phone and groaning into my pillow seeing it was Grace. Debating on answering but soon accepting the phone call. "Why are you calling me this early in the morning Grace the sun is barely coming up and I was asleep" saying to her with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

      "I know I'm sorry but you have a flight at 8am today to Monaco then when you get there you will immediately be on a flight to the UK to the Redbull headquarters since Max has to look at the car for this season" she said to me. Great fucking great I will have no time to even settle in and put my stuff away. Asking her if I have to go with her responding "Yes he requested you go with him and his daughter".  Rolling my eyes before I finally hang up the phone and get ready quickly then calling an uber to take me to the airport.

    After finally getting onto the plane I put my headphones on a drift off to sleep since I know I will have a long day ahead of me.

I started waking up with only 20 minutes left of the flight which was good, I would be embarrassed if a flight attendant had to wake me up. Staring out at the window waiting for time to pass by. Soon the flight attendant told us we were landing shortly.

Relieved we were finally on the ground I grabbed my carry on and hear my phone ding. Looking quickly to see Max texted me that he was at baggage claim. Quickly walking to baggage claim looking for Max and P but P saw me first cause she was already running in my direction jumping into my arms and giving me the tightest hug ever. "Hello my little flower I see you have missed me so much and let me tell you I have missed you so much" I told her while a gave her a small tickle while she laughed in my arms. Spotting Max with his and P's luggage with him I start walking towards him with P in my arms. Finally reaching him and giving him a hug and a kiss on the corner of his mouth since seeing a couple people observing us. He smiled at me before he started leading the way to his jet.

Surprised slightly walking up to his private jet but deciding not to say anything about it getting on while they put our luggage away. Getting inside it was very nice it has several seats, sitting down in one of them while P claims the seat next to me and Max sits across. Speaking up to him "So I was briefly told we are going to Redbull HQ right".

He looked over at me before nodding his head with a straight expression over his face. Clearing his throat slightly before he decided to answer "Yes I have a meeting and then I'm going to look at the new car for this season". He briefly paused before continuing to talk "I'll have you and P look at some of the cool things they have at the offices. They have old models of the past cars from previous seasons and the trophies as well and some interactive things" Looking over at him whole he spoke, he seemed to get really into it as since this is his passion which is a nice change then just his straight expressions all the time.

    The plane was finally in the air and I decided to stay awake this time because when we get there it should be night already so I don't want to throw off the schedule too bad. I just colored with Poppy for a bit before she fell asleep in my arms. I was silently scrolling through my phone before Max came and sat next to me. Looking up at him with slight confusion on my face. "You are really good with her, she non stops talks about you. She hasn't been like this with anyone I have dated before" he spoke quietly to me, I gave him a smile before looking down at her.

    Bringing my gaze back up to him "Well how can you not love her she is the most amazing little girl ever. You did a great job raising her". He laughed and thanked me before proceeding to go back on his phone.

    We landed shortly since the flight wasn't to long, getting out of the plane holding P while they put out luggage away into the Suv to take us to the hotel. Setting P down into the car seat while Max and I got into the car to start going to the hotel. Music playing in the background while the driver took us to the hotel. Arriving at the hotel it was about 9 which is close to P's bedtime. we get out and I grab my stuff and Max grabs his and Poppy's things before we go up to the receptionist to get the room key, slightly surprised that we will be in the same room but letting it go. P was running down the hallways clearly full of energy after that nap she took. Laughing while walking, finally reaching the room as Max opens it to a pretty big room that has two beds thankfully.

     Setting my things down before face planting into the bed quickly followed by P and soon after Max putting some of his weight on both of us making Poppy laugh hysterically. "Geez Max you are super heavy". Laughing he decided to put some more weight by relaxing a bit "Okay okay I think I'm going to die under all this weight" I laughed out. Finally Max getting up and going to the restroom to get ready for bed soon then coming back out to help P get ready.

    After they finally came out I stood up from the bed to get ready for bed as well, brushing my teeth using the restroom and changing before finally getting out. Getting to the bed lifting the sheets up before Poppy asks me to "Can you sleep with me and daddy today riri" she asked with her biggest puppy dog eyes ever, looking over at Max to see what he was thinking.

    Simply opening the sheet more and telling me it's okay before making my way towards the bed. P got super excited to sleep next to us but she made me sleep in the middle of them both cause in her words I need to be next to daddy and she needs to be next to me. Falling asleep soon enough, suddenly feeling an arm engulf me bringing me closer along with P but I was too tired from traveling all day to question it.

is it okay so far if not tell me so i can delete it!!! also i went back and fixed chapter 2 cause i was going to use the name lily but i decided against it for several reasons and chose poppy instead still a flower but idk i fixed it hopefully i caught all the mistakes!!!

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