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''Jesi li to lijepa?'' I turned around and who was stood there? Probably the one person I didn't want to see tonight. Marko. I stood up and frowned at him. ''What's wrong Ev?'' He asked and I scoffed. ''Ev, listen I know I haven't been talking for the last few weeks but I can explain.'' Did I want to hear his shitty explanation? Not really. Did I need to? Unfortunately yes. ''Fine. But make it quick. We sat back down on the bench and he tried to put his hand on my thigh and I moved away. ''Ev, I'm sorry. I wanted to text but I genuinely couldn't.'' He held up his very, very smashed phone in his hand and gestured to it. ''I dropped it whilst on stage, I had no other way of contacting you but your sister managed to message me on instagram which I can get on my laptop and she said you were struggling so I came out as soon as I could.'' I have to admit, this did bring a slight tear to my eyes. ''I thought you didn't want me anymore...'' I said, and my voice broke. ''Dragi, nothing could make me not want you.'' He paused, oh no, what was coming? ''But, who was that guy you were with?'' He asked, his tone was serious. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. ''He's my oldest friend, Erik. I won't lie, he does like me and hates you but, nothings going on with us.'' Marko sighed. It was like he didn't believe me. ''Really? Why were you standing outside a nightclub?'' I scoffed. Why did he know that? Was Marko secretly a stalker or something? ''What? How the hell do you know that? Vad i helvete?! Är du en stalker?!'' As soon as I seen his face I knew I'd fucked up.

''What? You think I'm a stalker? The nightclub is literally on the way to your house, how could you forget that?'' Fuck, he was right and I was a knob. ''Marko, can we go talk about this somewhere else? I'm col-'' I was cut off by yet another voice. ''So this is that jäkel, Marko?'' I sighed and Marko stood up. ''Erik don't start anything'' I said and Marko scoffed. ''Just leave her alone.'' I stood up and made sure to be between them as Erik began attempting to square up to Marko. ''Eva flytta, låt mig titta på den här jäveln.'' I frowned at Erik and walked closer to him and slapped him. ''Dra åt helvete.'' I spat, Marko grabbed my arm gently and pulled me back. ''Pažljivo dragi, mogu ja ovo podnijeti.'' I looked at him confused and he had a moment of realisation. ''Careful darling, let me handle this.'' He repeated in English. ''Marko no, he's not worth it.'' I seen a smirk appear on Erik's face, I knew that face. He was about to come out with the stupidest shit. ''Wasn't that when you wanted me before.'' As soon as those words left Erik's mouth, I seen a shift in Marko. His whole demeanor changed and it was, terrifying. ''Shut the fuck up, she doesn't fucking want you so leave her the fuck alone.'' Jealousy and protectiveness? Hot. ''Yeah and what do you know? Ghosting her for two weeks? I'd treat her so much better.'' Marko scoffed and started leading me away and to the car, I didn't mind as I wanted away from Erik. ''Eva you can't be serious.'' I stopped and looked back at Erik. ''I told you, I love him.'' Marko put his arm around my waist and pulled my close and kissed my head. Oh how I've missed him. Erik looked at us with anger that turned to sadness. ''You're making a mistake Ev, don't say I didn't warn you.'' I shook my head and Marko scoffed once again.

''Fuck you, I don't even know you but you seem like such a pizda.'' Marko stepped away from me and towards Erik and I knew what was coming. ''Marko, stop'' I tried to reason but he wasn't listening. ''Come on then big boy, you wanna fight? Let's fight.'' Great. I had men fighting over me. No longer hot. ''Marko don't you d-'' Too late, Erik had swung for Marko and Marko managed to punch him in the stomach. Marko was taller and much better built than Erik so I wasn't at all worried about Marko getting hurt, I just didn't want him to get into a fight. Marko pushed Erik onto the floor and Erik tried to hit him again and failed, which then led to Marko punching his face. I seen it in Marko's eyes, he didn't wanna do this but he felt he had to for me. Somewhat cute? Marko got up wiped his forehead before walking back over to me. ''I'm sorry I did that, let's go back to yours and talk?'' I laughed slightly. ''You just beat someone up and you're so calm about it, maybe you are a murderer.'' I said as he guided me to the car. ''Oh shush you. God I've missed that laugh. I love you, and I'm never leaving you again.'' I sighed. ''I love you too, but you will.'' He shook his head.

''I've got a surprise for you my love.''


Translations! :3

Vad i helvete - What the hell

Är du en stalker - Are you a stalker

jäkel - Bastard

Eva flytta, låt mig titta på den här jäveln - Eva move, let me look at this bastard

Dra åt helvete - Drop dead

Pizda - Cunt

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